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Roshar vs Scadrial


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Parshendi are weaker than Koloss yet they can break shardplate. It takes on average three strikes to shatter a section of shardplate that depowers that portion. I can reference the book to back that up.


Is there truly a reference in the books about a Parshendi hitting a section of Shardplate three times and shattering it? IIRC, that "rule" only applies to Shardblades/weapons swung by Shardplate wearers.

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Is there truly a reference in the books about a Parshendi hitting a section of Shardplate three times and shattering it? IIRC, that "rule" only applies to Shardblades/weapons swung by Shardplate wearers.

I am 95 percent sure there was when Dalinar was surrounded at the end of Way of Kings, but I shall look and then edit this post to state whether I found it or recalled incorrectly. 


edit: found it! It isn't completely conclusive for reasons I will mention after, but three strikes to Dalinar's specifically mentioned forearm shattered it. Quotes below:


Way of Kings page 898 (first hit to forearm)

There, he thought, picking out a nearby rock formation where a group of Parshendi stood swinging enormous rock slings with two hands. The head-size stones crashed into Parshendi and Alethi alike, though Dalinar was obviously the target. He growled as another one hit, smashing against his forearm, sending a soft jolt through the Shardplate. The blow was strong enough to send a small array of cracks through his right vambrace. 


Way of Kings page 906 (second hit to forearm)

He jumped down, and slew another pair of enemies, but earned another blow to his forearm in the process. The Parshendi swamed around him, and Dalinar's guard began to buckle.


Way of Kings page 931

The Parshendi man made an aggressive thrust. Setting his jaw, Dalinar raised his forearm to block and stepped into the attack, praying to the Heralds that his forearm plate would deflect the blow. The Parshendi blade connected, shattering the Plate, sending a shock up Dalinar's arm.


So there are a few things to say about this. First, the final blow does come from a shardbearer. Also we do not know of any other potential blows that hit that vambrace in particular that just weren't mentioned specifically. So it could be that it would have taken 5, 10, or 20 more normal blows, but the shardblade finished the job sooner. However in another thread I provided quotes where a shardblade breaks a piece of shardplate in three strikes, just like a shard hammer does. A hammer that is no more unique than any other hammer except for its size. That is the only reason for its name. So that lends to me that the shardblade doesn't do anything particularly special when involved with striking shardplate except for the fact that it can't just phase through it. But again, I admit due to the combat going on, what I show is not conclusive. I just feel it strongly leans in that direction. Also of note that I found was two quotes. I do not have much time before I need to leave today, so I can reference them later if you would like, but to paraphrase, the parshendi unloaded a volley of arrows at Adolin directly. Most skitted off his armor just chipping paint, but one hit a crack and widened it. So although there was not enough force to cause a crack, arrows have enough force to certainly make things worse. Dalinar also mentions how typical the strategy regarding Shardbearers is to focus on them to take them down first. That way they are taken out of the fight, and now you have their weapon to use against them. So those who have suggested Scadrial attaining shards and using it against Roshar, it shows it has been done before and has been effective. And as he was referencing past combats, that implies to me that it is against armies that are regular soldiers, be they be Alethi or another culture. In other words, prior to the parshendi. 

Edited by Pathfinder
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I really think everyone here is underestimating shardplate, there are WoB that state pewter gives roughly double your normal strength, triple if flared, with enhanced speed/ reflexes/ balance to compensate so your not ridiculously clumsy. Shardplate is never cracked in the books by a non radiant without shardplate without a significant number of blows over sustained periods of time. Drained shardplate is cracked by a chasmfiend, a Koloss is not as strong as a chasmfiend, not even close, Koloss would be similar to thugs, potentially dangerous but hilariously outclassed.

Shardplate users seem to be able to do far more than what several times a normal human strength could do, the books describe it as the strength of many men, in my mind many is at least 6-8 probably more like 10-12.

With that in mind 100 shardbearers working as a unit rather than alone is a terrifying prospect, realistically mistings wouldn't even be a threat, mistborn would beat a shardbearer one on one with atium but two or three on one I doubt it.

Also I'm not sure where people are getting the idea that there are hundreds of mistborn all over the place, the main houses seem to have 1-3, then there are a few others scattered about, maybe 40-50 in the entire empire, not including the 16 inquisitors and TLR. Straff Venture had as many children as possible to get as many mistborn as he could and ended up with 1 confirmed and I would assume 1-2 that died trying to assassinate Elend.

Another interesting thing people don't seem to have touched on yet is how a shardblade would affect TLR. Would he be able to heal a shardblade wound with gold compounding? I'm of the opinion he wouldn't as gold just stores health that you already have, it doesn't give the body the ability to heal spiritual wounds. Though I may be wrong about that, any thoughts?

I agree that Scadrial would have an advantage but I don't think it's anywhere near as one sided as people are suggesting.

Pretty sure theres more than 50 mistborn in the empire. Each great house has at least 2 or 3, and I can't imagine that Great House mistborn are only found in great houses when there are hundreds of minor houses around the Empire. Pretty sure Venture had at least 3 mistborn, probably more like 5 or 6. Straff mentions to Elend that the mistborn that was dead near Keep Venture "wasn't one of ours", implying that there are at least a few Venture mistborn that Elend knows about (he didn't know about Zane).  Besides, it's implied in The Eleventh Metal that Kelsier and Gemmel end up assassinating six or seven noble mistborn at the very least. If there were 60 mistborn in the empire, that would mean that a third of the non-Luthadel mistborn were dead. Every mistborn would be on alert and we don't see that kind of alarm in the books.

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Much earlier in the thread population numbers of mistings and mistborn are commented on that responds to your inquiry. WoB confirm that gold healing can heal a shardblade wound.

Rich said

Also if Scadrial are using Koloss and Steel Inquisitors then Roshar should have the forces of Odium, you can't have all of one planet against the good side on another, it has to be either Preservation vs Honor/Cultivation or Preservation/Ruin vs Honour/Cultivation/Odium

So pitting one shard against two, or two shards against three is balanced? It should be Preservation/Ruin against Honor/Cultivation then.

Thanks for the clarification on the gold healing,

My point for the two shards against three or one against two was based on the question being Roshar vs Scadrial, that makes no bias on allegiances on planet. Possibly specifying 'good' forces on either planet or something else would be a better clarification, my point was just that Odium is as Rosharan as Ruin is Scadrialian so in a planet war he should be involved. Also Honour has been splintered so is that a full shard?

I don't have the book to hand to reference but is that scene not also midway through a battle, we have no idea what happened before the blows you mentioned.

In terms of Koloss I am unsure how multiple spikes of the same attribute stack up, is it literally fives times the strength because of five spikes or is there diminishing returns after the first spike, also Koloss aren't human, they have been altered is that a side affect or is it what part of the spikes energy is used for?

My reasoning for pewter outdoing Koloss is that the additional strength isn't needed, the speed and balance pewter gives however is in my mind much more of a physical enhancement, especially when Koloss aren't exactly armoured so the extra strength isn't needed. It's like saying a master swordsman would beat worlds strongest man in a duel.

Edited by Rich2244
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Pretty sure theres more than 50 mistborn in the empire. Each great house has at least 2 or 3, and I can't imagine that Great House mistborn are only found in great houses when there are hundreds of minor houses around the Empire. Pretty sure Venture had at least 3 mistborn, probably more like 5 or 6. Straff mentions to Elend that the mistborn that was dead near Keep Venture "wasn't one of ours", implying that there are at least a few Venture mistborn that Elend knows about (he didn't know about Zane). Besides, it's implied in The Eleventh Metal that Kelsier and Gemmel end up assassinating six or seven noble mistborn at the very least. If there were 60 mistborn in the empire, that would mean that a third of the non-Luthadel mistborn were dead. Every mistborn would be on alert and we don't see that kind of alarm in the books.

I haven't read eleventh metal, but even if they did it is also said that most mistborn are unknown, if nobles are dying but no one knows they are mistborn apart from their own family why would there be panic.

The main houses are also said to have the most pure bloodlines, so most mistborn are likely to be in those families, with one occasionally cropping up in a minor house.

Lastly where is it mentioned that each great house has at least 2-3 as far as I know the only one that was confirmed in the books is that Elariel was doomed when Shan was killed and Cett only had the one that was sent to assassinate Vin/Elend when Vin used her last atium.

That's two main houses that had only one.

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I am 95 percent sure there was when Dalinar was surrounded at the end of Way of Kings, but I shall look and then edit this post to state whether I found it or recalled incorrectly.

edit: found it! It isn't completely conclusive for reasons I will mention after, but three strikes to Dalinar's specifically mentioned forearm shattered it. Quotes below:

Way of Kings page 898 (first hit to forearm)

There, he thought, picking out a nearby rock formation where a group of Parshendi stood swinging enormous rock slings with two hands. The head-size stones crashed into Parshendi and Alethi alike, though Dalinar was obviously the target. He growled as another one hit, smashing against his forearm, sending a soft jolt through the Shardplate. The blow was strong enough to send a small array of cracks through his right vambrace.

Way of Kings page 906 (second hit to forearm)

He jumped down, and slew another pair of enemies, but earned another blow to his forearm in the process. The Parshendi swamed around him, and Dalinar's guard began to buckle.

Way of Kings page 931

The Parshendi man made an aggressive thrust. Setting his jaw, Dalinar raised his forearm to block and stepped into the attack, praying to the Heralds that his forearm plate would deflect the blow. The Parshendi blade connected, shattering the Plate, sending a shock up Dalinar's arm.

So there are a few things to say about this. First, the final blow does come from a shardbearer. Also we do not know of any other potential blows that hit that vambrace in particular that just weren't mentioned specifically. So it could be that it would have taken 5, 10, or 20 more normal blows, but the shardblade finished the job sooner. However in another thread I provided quotes where a shardblade breaks a piece of shardplate in three strikes, just like a shard hammer does. A hammer that is no more unique than any other hammer except for its size. That is the only reason for its name. So that lends to me that the shardblade doesn't do anything particularly special when involved with striking shardplate except for the fact that it can't just phase through it. But again, I admit due to the combat going on, what I show is not conclusive. I just feel it strongly leans in that direction. Also of note that I found was two quotes. I do not have much time before I need to leave today, so I can reference them later if you would like, but to paraphrase, the parshendi unloaded a volley of arrows at Adolin directly. Most skitted off his armor just chipping paint, but one hit a crack and widened it. So although there was not enough force to cause a crack, arrows have enough force to certainly make things worse. Dalinar also mentions how typical the strategy regarding Shardbearers is to focus on them to take them down first. That way they are taken out of the fight, and now you have their weapon to use against them. So those who have suggested Scadrial attaining shards and using it against Roshar, it shows it has been done before and has been effective. And as he was referencing past combats, that implies to me that it is against armies that are regular soldiers, be they be Alethi or another culture. In other words, prior to the parshendi.

A shardhammer is different because it is wielded by someone in shardplate.

The composite bows used by parshendi seem very powerful to me, a modern composite bow can punch through steel plate, I'm not surprised that it would widen a crack with a perfect hit.

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Thanks for the clarification on the gold healing,

My point for the two shards against three or one against two was based on the question being Roshar vs Scadrial, that makes no bias on allegiances on planet. Possibly specifying 'good' forces on either planet or something else would be a better clarification, my point was just that Odium is as Rosharan as Ruin is Scadrialian so in a planet war he should be involved. Also Honour has been splintered so is that a full shard?

Honor's power is still active on the planet or within the system. Plus the Final empire controls all the different forces mentioned on this thread. Uniting all the Rosharan kingdoms is doing them enough of a favor already.


I don't have the book to hand to reference but is that scene not also midway through a battle, we have no idea what happened before the blows you mentioned.

In terms of Koloss I am unsure how multiple spikes of the same attribute stack up, is it literally fives times the strength because of five spikes or is there diminishing returns after the first spike, also Koloss aren't human, they have been altered is that a side affect or is it what part of the spikes energy is used for?

The original koloss would most likely be 5 times stronger, but the koloss reuse their spikes so they have become weaker over time

My reasoning for pewter outdoing Koloss is that the additional strength isn't needed, the speed and balance pewter gives however is in my mind much more of a physical enhancement, especially when Koloss aren't exactly armoured so the extra strength isn't needed. It's like saying a master swordsman would beat worlds strongest man in a duel.

oh for sure but there are 300,000 koloss and only six thousand or so thugs


I haven't read eleventh metal, but even if they did it is also said that most mistborn are unknown, if nobles are dying but no one knows they are mistborn apart from their own family why would there be panic.

Those mistborn were the only ones well-known enough that Gemmel and Kelsier could be sure that they were mistborn so we can be reasonably sure that a lot of people know that they are mistborn.

The main houses are also said to have the most pure bloodlines, so most mistborn are likely to be in those families, with one occasionally cropping up in a minor house.

Lastly where is it mentioned that each great house has at least 2-3 as far as I know the only one that was confirmed in the books is that Elariel was doomed

there were two elariel mistborn during that battle.

"Four people remained standing. Two wore mistcloaks; one was familiar"

"Two mistborn, Vin thought. Not good"

when Shan was killed and Cett only had the one that was sent to assassinate Vin/Elend when Vin used her last atium.

That's two main houses that had only one.

Cett wasn't part of a Great House. In fact, the reason he left the Northern Dominance was that many of his rivals had a lot more allomancers than he did.

Edited by asterion137
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I'm not sure how to quote a quote so I'm just gonna reply normally, my point about the Koloss' strength wasn't to do with hemalurgic decay, it was more suggesting that part of the strength infused in the spike was used to mutate the subject rather than provide the passive strength gain

Again to the part about the different shards, all in saying is that the original thread was about Roshar vs Scadrial, Odium is currently of Roshar, world politics don't matter, it's a theoretical question

I wasn't comparing numbers when comparing the thugs to Koloss just debating the merits of each, in a 1 on 1 or even 5 to 10 on 1 I think a thug would win, past that Koloss would likely overwhelm them.

Fair points on the second set of comments as I mentioned I haven't read eleventh metal was just theorising there, and I missed the second mistborn for some reason, might be time for a reread!

Edited by Rich2244
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Why should Odium get involved? We can see logically how Kandra, Inquisitors, Koloss etc can be used by Scadrial without Ruin's input, plus later Ruin and Preservation are joined together and they have worked together before. Odium, it seems from all we have seen, is inherently opposed to Honor and Cultivation and I cannot see how they would ever work with him

Also, it may well be that we are underestimating shard plate. I personally think that you, and a few others, are HUGELY overestimating it, given how poorly it fares in the series so far

How poorly it fairs? Until Kaladin killed the shardbearer at the start of way of kings it was almost a myth that it was even possible after that the majority of the time it is only tested against things that should just instantly kill the wearer, apart from the one instance mentioned which is leaning slightly towards it being weaker than I suggest but definitely not conclusive.

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Yeah, it's fairly clear that non-Shardbearers killing a Shardbearer is so uncommon as to be the stuff of legends, and the few accounts in-world are treated with skepticism. They might succeed by swarming them with hammers or spears, but only at the cost of many, many lives, and even that is exceptionally rare. Shardbearers are usually only killed by other Shardbearers. I don't see a Mistborn as having much chance without Atium, and no misting. They'd have to swarm too, and probably lose many lives in what could still easily end up being a failed attempt.


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Coinshots have the strength to smash through thick bone. A duralumin steelpush on a coin would probably be roughly the strength of one of the most powerful modern sniper rifles. a good shot to the chest or head would kill a shardbearer instantly. In fact, any kind of hit on the breastplate would both seriously injure the shardbearer and leave them helpless. TLR knows about duralumin, as do the inquisitors. 


Yeah, it's fairly clear that non-Shardbearers killing a Shardbearer is so uncommon as to be the stuff of legends, and the few accounts in-world are treated with skepticism. They might succeed by swarming them with hammers or spears, but only at the cost of many, many lives, and even that is exceptionally rare. Shardbearers are usually only killed by other Shardbearers. I don't see a Mistborn as having much chance without Atium, and no misting. They'd have to swarm too, and probably lose many lives in what could still easily end up being a failed attempt.


shardbearers are insanely effective against the common battle tactics of Roshar, which include a tight formation of spearmen with shields. Shardbearers sweep through this formation with ease because of the tightly packed men. Also, spears are noted to be one of the worst possible weapons for fighting a shardbearer. An army that fought spread out, with weapons that are just as effective as shardblades for smashing Plate, would be extremely effective at fighting shardbearers. Just as effective would be a force of men that could dodge enemy Blades with ease and strike with the strength of five men. Oh and remember that once a mistborn gets a hold of Plate and Blade they'll basically be a KR with a shotgun(coins), even more fear factor than they would have normally(emotional allomancy), and atium. Plus their coinshots would be even stronger given their extra weight.

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Also if Scadrial are using Koloss and Steel Inquisitors then Roshar should have the forces of Odium, you can't have all of one planet against the good side on another, it has to be either Preservation vs Honor/Cultivation or Preservation/Ruin vs Honour/Cultivation/Odium

On this note it depends how exactly you arrange the fights, all of Scadrial vs. all of Roshar? In which case Roshar gets Parshendi, Scadrial gets fully functioning Koloss, Kandra who are unbound, every Allomancer and feruchemist, TLR, Southerners, insanely huge armies and knowledge of Hemalurgy.


If it was a fight between empires then it's the Final Empire vs. Alethkar, but the Final Empire still has Allomancers, Koloss and Kandra.

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Wouldn't Roshar be much, much more populated than Scadrial? Humans can only survive near the poles on Scadrial, and they have to survive in high temperatures and ashy conditions while Rosharans have an entire lush world with Stormlight enhancing their immune systems to the point where a few cases of the common cold are seen as a plague. It seems to me that Roshar could easily raise an army 3-4 times larger than the Scadrian one.

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Wouldn't Roshar be much, much more populated than Scadrial? Humans can only survive near the poles on Scadrial, and they have to survive in high temperatures and ashy conditions while Rosharans have an entire lush world with Stormlight enhancing their immune systems to the point where a few cases of the common cold are seen as a plague. It seems to me that Roshar could easily raise an army 3-4 times larger than the Scadrian one.

As of W&W, no, because Scadrial have industrial age farming which leads to a MASSIVE population rise in the real world. In the earlier era, maybe, depending on the size of the planets amongst other factors. Either way, I think any era Scadrian army would still easily beat a Rosharian army 3-4x larger so I don't really think it matters that much, that's how one sided this conflict is

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How poorly it fairs? Until Kaladin killed the shardbearer at the start of way of kings it was almost a myth that it was even possible after that the majority of the time it is only tested against things that should just instantly kill the wearer, apart from the one instance mentioned which is leaning slightly towards it being weaker than I suggest but definitely not conclusive.


Guess you missed the bit where Szeth makes multiple Shardbearers at once look like pathetic children? It does pretty well against depowered, spear-armed, unarmoured footsoldiers, yes. So would normal plate. Against magic, the exact situation we are debating here, it has been laughable

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Guess you missed the bit where Szeth makes multiple Shardbearers at once look like pathetic children? It does pretty well against depowered, spear-armed, unarmoured footsoldiers, yes. So would normal plate. Against magic, the exact situation we are debating here, it has been laughable

So you mean the bit where one of the characters set to get his own book beats up several unnamed schmucks? With an Honourblade? Normal light eyes are described as often wearing normal plate, they die quite a lot, a spear would hardly be the worst weapon for dealing with plate, it might not be the best but it is far from the worst.

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So you mean the bit where one of the characters set to get his own book beats up several unnamed schmucks? With an Honourblade? Normal light eyes are described as often wearing normal plate, they die quite a lot, a spear would hardly be the worst weapon for dealing with plate, it might not be the best but it is far from the worst.

Adolin isn't an "unnamed schmuck" and Szeth was basically toying with him. Besides, pewter grants similar buffs to Stormlight.

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Wouldn't Roshar be much, much more populated than Scadrial? Humans can only survive near the poles on Scadrial, and they have to survive in high temperatures and ashy conditions while Rosharans have an entire lush world with Stormlight enhancing their immune systems to the point where a few cases of the common cold are seen as a plague. It seems to me that Roshar could easily raise an army 3-4 times larger than the Scadrian one.

nah...Skaa are literally bred to reproduce quickly and have dozens of children, most of whom survive. TFE is larger than Europe and has cities that contain hundreds of thousands of people. The people of scadrial are genetically engineered to survive on their world. 


As for the "forces of odium" thing, it doesn't really matter as there are no forces of odium right now in Roshar. It will take a few more days for the everstorm to reach the parshmen, so we have to wait until the next book to see what the Voidbringers are actually capable of.

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Thanks for the clarification on the gold healing,

My point for the two shards against three or one against two was based on the question being Roshar vs Scadrial, that makes no bias on allegiances on planet. Possibly specifying 'good' forces on either planet or something else would be a better clarification, my point was just that Odium is as Rosharan as Ruin is Scadrialian so in a planet war he should be involved. Also Honour has been splintered so is that a full shard?

I don't have the book to hand to reference but is that scene not also midway through a battle, we have no idea what happened before the blows you mentioned.

In terms of Koloss I am unsure how multiple spikes of the same attribute stack up, is it literally fives times the strength because of five spikes or is there diminishing returns after the first spike, also Koloss aren't human, they have been altered is that a side affect or is it what part of the spikes energy is used for?

My reasoning for pewter outdoing Koloss is that the additional strength isn't needed, the speed and balance pewter gives however is in my mind much more of a physical enhancement, especially when Koloss aren't exactly armoured so the extra strength isn't needed. It's like saying a master swordsman would beat worlds strongest man in a duel.

Regarding Koloss, you are literally stealing the strength of four other people, plus the person who is transformed into a koloss. It is commented repeatedly throughout the original trilogy how koloss move far faster than you would expect a creature of that size. Frequently commented how its sword swings are a blur


A shardhammer is different because it is wielded by someone in shardplate.

The composite bows used by parshendi seem very powerful to me, a modern composite bow can punch through steel plate, I'm not surprised that it would widen a crack with a perfect hit.

I referenced the shardhammer to show that as mentioned in the other thread this came up, that shardblades do not seem to have a special ability to damage shardplate more than any other weapon. A shardhammer does not have any magical boost. It is just a really really big hammer. So then the response was that since it was wielded by a shardplate wielder, then that is why. But then I quoted scenes where that vambrance cracks in three strikes from rocks and regular blows. I do concede as I mentioned in my original post it was a pitched battle, so a whole host of things could have happened in between but that vambrace in particular is mentioned three times. So although not conclusive, it does lend credence to the three strike. 


Yeah, it's fairly clear that non-Shardbearers killing a Shardbearer is so uncommon as to be the stuff of legends, and the few accounts in-world are treated with skepticism. They might succeed by swarming them with hammers or spears, but only at the cost of many, many lives, and even that is exceptionally rare. Shardbearers are usually only killed by other Shardbearers. I don't see a Mistborn as having much chance without Atium, and no misting. They'd have to swarm too, and probably lose many lives in what could still easily end up being a failed attempt.


What is the stuff of legends is that a dark eyed would become a light eyed when wearing it. The stuff of legends is that a dark eyed would succeed in stopping a shardbearer. A dark eyed gets a spear and light armor. The only way someone so equipped is going to take out a shardbearer is with overwhelming numbers. Light eyes are better equipped and trained. Dalinar has stated how there are whole strategies about taking out a shardbearer, of which includes separating the shardbearer from his cohort. That foolish shardbearers in the past get carried away and ahead of their cohort, resulting in them becoming vulnerable and taken out. The fact that normal, fully equipped and trained troops can take out a shardbearer, means that fully equipped, trained troops with powers can do even better. 

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Dalinar cracks elhokar's breastplate in three punches. I think a pair of thugs could do the same with one baiting while the other goes in with a heavy weapon like a battleaxe or a warhammer


As in most things involving Shardplate, Dalinar's actions are suspect. If we use Dalinar as a baseline then ALL shardplate wearers could catch a massive chasm fiend claw; which, I think we can all agree, is more than a pewter flaring thug could do.

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As in most things involving Shardplate, Dalinar's actions are suspect. If we use Dalinar as a baseline then ALL shardplate wearers could catch a massive chasm fiend claw; which, I think we can all agree, is more than a pewter flaring thug could do.

given that normal humans are 43% stronger on Scadrial, i'm not sure about that.

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given that normal humans are 43% stronger on Scadrial, i'm not sure about that.


I mean if the thug didnt get cut in half or something i could see him pulling it off since he's going to be able to lift 600 pounds or more x1.43 for the gravity issue


Lifting 600 lbs versus catching the downward swing of an animal that is bigger than a large home are two very different activities. But, hey, believe what you want about a Thug vs. a chasm fiend claw; I certainly cannot prove I am right.

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