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Aluminium and Hemalurgy


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According to the coppermind, Aluminium acts as an investiture sink, so any investiture which is put into it will just be "soaked up" by the aluminium, but Aluminium can also be used as a hemalurgic spike, which works on the premise of ripping off a chunk of one's spiritweb, and in a sense 'stapling' into onto the recipient, and to my understanding, your spiritweb and investiture are basically the same thing, so wouldn't the aluminium just absorb it?


Have I missed something, if so someone point it out please, and also please correct any wrong facts i've stated

Edited by CthulhuSpren
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This actually raises some interesting questions. As we know, chromium does the same thing, just to someone else (I'm only using chromium because, let's face it, who is stupid enough to risk their own Investiture). So, would using chromium wipe another form of Investiture, say... Breaths? Which begs the question, could Hemalurgy steal Breaths from someone?

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Which begs the question, could Hemalurgy steal Breaths from someone?

There is a WoB somewhere in the forum about Breaths as unstealble through Hemalurgy (if I remember right because the Breath is mainly physical while Hemalurgy works with the others realms) but a Divene Breath may be steal

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There is a WoB somewhere in the forum about Breaths as unstealble through Hemalurgy (if I remember right because the Breath is mainly physical while Hemalurgy works with the others realms) but a Divene Breath may be steal

Are you sure? I was pretty sure that they were stealable.

I'll have a look for WoB either way though.

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Aluminum is weird. What exactly can be stolen with aluminum?

The Ars Arcanum said Enhancement Allomancy, but I think the Author made a mistake at that time and it's wrong about what the allumin may steal

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Perhaps Aluminium sinks physical Investiture, and investiture existing in the other realms are "free" from it's effects. So to say that Aluminium is the physical Realm's Investiture sink, with perhaps equivalents for each Realm's Investiture.

That would allow for it to be a spike while also having the Investiture sink effects.

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