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Spiking a Hemalurgic Construct


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So, I recently visited the dark alley, and a thought came to me: what if you spiked someone who only had powers through hemalurgy through the heart and took their powers. Would they lose their powers, or would the hemalurgy simply fail?

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I suspect if someone had Hemalurgicly granted Allomantic Pewter, for instance, you could steal their strength, but not the ability to use pewter, since as noted that would already be bound to the existing spike.


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I suspect if someone had Hemalurgicly granted Allomantic Pewter, for instance, you could steal their strength, but not the ability to use pewter, since as noted that would already be bound to the existing spike.


A am not sure about this... the Hemalurgy steals a piece of Spirit Web and I find unlikely that while you are burning (or tapping/storing) something your Spirit-Web changes.


To me your spirit web simply have a signature like "this guy are quite strong"... and when you remove this "signature" as cascade effect your physical aspect slowly try to adapt to the new status.

Of course when you add this "signature" to another guy in the right place, his Spiritual aspect is something like "this guy is strong, this guy is strong" (yes a Spike may add a comma  :ph34r: ) and the Physical aspect tries to adjust itself.


When you are burning pewter instead you overcharge your body without touch your Spiritual Aspect...or at least I suppose  ;)

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