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Mistborn Adventure Game era 2 AU


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One of my friends is running a Mistborn Adventure Game campaign soon, and wanted to have it set after the world was saved, but wanted it remade differently that Sazed had. We couldn't see Sazed Chiang the way he made the world, so instead we came up with a new idea, and wanted some feedback. The idea was a person. Marsh.

Picture this: It is the final battle. With all his friends dead or dying around him, Sazed realises what the prophecies mean. He realises that the knowledge in his copperminds can save them. But he fears it. His faith is still shaken, and unlike the Sazed we know and love, he cannot trust himself to take up the power. Anguished, he turns to a spiked figure behind him. Marsh. He tells him that he thinks his copperminds can save the world, but he can't take up the power. He can't bring himself to. And Marsh, having lived in this world of ash, his mind controlled by Ruin and only just free, knows that he cannot let the world just die as he has been released to see it. Believing Sazed that the copperminds have vital information, he sees only one option.

Taking from his belt a brass spike he had been forced to craft by Ruin, his practiced hands already finding the bind point, he drives it through Sazed's body. Sazed gasps, unable to process this final betrayal, and collapses. Marsh, holding back sobs at the sight of his friend's body mutilated by his own hand, plunges the spike into himself.

Almost immediately, he feels power flowing into him, and he turns to Sazed's body. Steelpushing away attackers with barely a thought as they run towards the area, he carefully removes the copperminds from Sazed's arms. He holds them, and draws all their information into himself in a flash of knowledge, and plunges his arms into the black and white mists leaking from the bodies of Vin and Ati. With the knowledge contained in Sazed's copperminds, he fixes the world. He has become a god. But not Harmony, as Sazed would have. He is Change. When something ends but still remains, what is it but changing form?

Marsh fixes the world, but it is not left fertile and seemingly blessed as Sazed had made it. It was very much like the land of the final empire, with only a few differences from the Larsta religion. The plants and sky are turned back to their correct colour, and he remakes the flowers in honour of Mare, the woman he loved and lost to Kelsier. He fixes the bodies of the people and make the Terrismen whole again, as Sazed would have wanted. But he leaves much as it was, for he knows far, far too well what having a God interfering with mankind can do.

In this new world, Noblemen and Skaa cling to their previous identities, but in very different ways. The Nobles are mistrusted, and allomancy is hated, as it was a noble tool of oppression. The Skaa rise to power, controlling the new settlements and governments, having a strict rule following the example of Urteau. Life is difficult, but people seem free. Like the love that shaped their God, the world that shapes these people is above all one thing. Harsh.

Thanks for reading if you got this far, we hope you liked the idea and as we come up with more to flesh out the world, we will put it up here. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Well, keep in mind that Kelsier would still be around. Also

[You have to explain how Marsh had enough connection to Preservation to take it up. Just reaching out would not work, as his little brother proved...Kelsier may also return earlier in this world as Marsh might have been willing to restore him, unlike Sazed.]

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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Well, keep in mind that Kelsier would still be around. Also

[You have to explain how Marsh had enough connection to Preservation to take it up. Just reaching out would not work, as his little brother proved...Kelsier may also return earlier in this world as Marsh might have been willing to restore him, unlike Sazed.]

That raises a good point, but I don't think it's ever explained how Sazed had enough connection to preservation to take use the power either. Or ruin for that matter, as it seems quite opposed to his personality... We know that Hemalurgy rips apart a person's spirit web and transplants it to another person, we assume that the spiritweb is where the part of preservation that he invested into humans resides, then Marsh would have a large amount of connection to both powers (preservation through huge spiritweb, ruin through all the spikes).

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Have you read secret history? It is explained.

Basically, Saze was naturally Connected to Preservation as he Preserved information as a Keeper. But he went through mental trauma, causing him to be Ruined. That's why what happened in book three is so important. If Saze had not lost Tindwyl and his faith he would have been unable to seize Ruin. Kelsier only held Preservation through a hack, and just barely at that. Marsh is too much like Kell in many ways to pick up Preservation. Especially after what happened, he's simply too close to Ruin.

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Have you read secret history? It is explained.

Basically, Saze was naturally Connected to Preservation as he Preserved information as a Keeper. But he went through mental trauma, causing him to be Ruined. That's why what happened in book three is so important. If Saze had not lost Tindwyl and his faith he would have been unable to seize Ruin. Kelsier only held Preservation through a hack, and just barely at that. Marsh is too much like Kell in many ways to pick up Preservation. Especially after what happened, he's simply too close to Ruin.

Thanks for reminding me of secret history, as it is so new and I've been drawing in the original three, I'm too quick to dismiss it. But I do think that Marsh is closer to preservation than Kell, and even through the terrible circumstances, which I agree brought him closer to ruin, he kept hope and goodness enough that he was able to fight off ruins influence in moments with 22 spikes in him, if that doesn't show some deep connection to preservation I'm not sure what does! But if this isn't correct, then do you have any suggestions as to how this might be explained? I still think the spiritweb argument could be made.

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actually Kelsier gave him a perfect moment of freedom and Marsh took advantage. The problem is that, since Ruin and Preservation are opposites, if you are too close to one you can't take up the other. Well, not without stealing a strange Elantrian Connection device, as Kelsier did. Kelsier had a chance to take up Ruin at the end, FYI. An easier AU is to have him take it up, though that has its own set of problems and I'm not recommending it.

Do not discount Secret History, as it has the most Cosmere knowledge we have been given so far. It is VERY important!!!

A more obvious reason; Vin could not take up Preservation with one itty bitty earring spike. Marsh has many more than she did. There is simply no way he could take up Preservation with his spikes in; but if he took them out he'd die.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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actually Kelsier gave him a perfect moment of freedom and Marsh took advantage. The problem is that, since Ruin and Preservation are opposites, if you are too close to one you can't take up the other. Well, not without stealing a strange Elantrian Connection device, as Kelsier did. Kelsier had a chance to take up Ruin at the end, FYI. An easier AU is to have him take it up, though that has its own set of problems and I'm not recommending it.

Do not discount Secret History, as it has the most Cosmere knowledge we have been given so far. It is VERY important!!!

A more obvious reason; Vin could not take up Preservation with one itty bitty earring spike. Marsh has many more than she did. There is simply no way he could take up Preservation with his spikes in; but if he took them out he'd die.

Hmmm... Thinking on it now, I think that there could be a story solution that is written into the intro above. The thing that preservation was trying to make was "something that could destroy to preserve" as Marsh is trying to do in the story above by killing Sazed with the spike. That could work if you squint

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The spikes still interfere with taking up Preservation. And... that doesn't quite work. Have you read Secret History?

preservation and Leras are two separate things. Leras had that idea. Preservation does not agree. Leras couldn't even stab Elend; Kelsier had to do it!

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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Yeah, I have, and with the spike thing, I've been trying to reconcile it. We really want Marsh to take up the shards, and the way I interpreted the block from the info in secret history was that ruin was putting all his energy into blocking Vin from the power, funnelled through the spike. I think that it allowed ruin to effectively block her from taking it, but not that it inherently opposed the power. I'll check it tomorrow, I have lent my copy to said friend

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How do you lend an ebook? Curious. I believe there is a WoB that simply having a spike prevented her from accessing Preservation's power. Ruin was preventing that knowledge from getting to her. It always blocked her, even before Ruin was free.

Edited by Kingsdaughter613
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Why not just give access to your account? Also, I edited my above post. Oh, and inquisitors are hemalurgic constructs per WoB. So Marsh is literally MADE of Ruin, in a sense. Read HoA annotations. Sorry if I sound a bit rude; its five am and I'm tired but can't sleep..

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Nah, not rude, you've been good. At the very least, you reminded me to keep secret history in mind! And we'll just hand-wave it so Marsh is able to, we have a lot of the planned campaign set around it so far.

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