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Happy International Women's Day.


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Just thought I'd offer a shout out to my fellow female sharders. Once upon a time, being a geek was seen as a male preserve but not any more. Today, in honour of international women's day, I signed a pledge to promote gender parity and it occurred to me that the nerdiverse made strides in this direction a long time ago. So, go us!


And honourable mention to the strong women in Brandon's novels. Hurray for fantasy that doesn't discriminate.

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Just thought I'd offer a shout out to my fellow female sharders. Once upon a time, being a geek was seen as a male preserve but not any more. Today, in honour of international women's day, I signed a pledge to promote gender parity and it occurred to me that the nerdiverse made strides in this direction a long time ago. So, go us!

And honourable mention to the strong women in Brandon's novels. Hurray for fantasy that doesn't discriminate.

I love that Brandon's female characters are all strong in different ways. You have Vin, the badchull, streetwise warrior; Jasnah, the intellectual who stands by her beliefs in the face of adversity; Siri, tossed into circumstances beyond her control and handles them better than anyone could have hoped; Shallan, who overcomes her toxic upbringing to save her family and the world....I could go on. Some authors just make every strong female character a badchull woman warrior, which makes exceptions even more exceptional.

Hurray for geekdom, giving us female characters we can look up to and identify with. :)

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HEY! I'm stormblessed too. Wait. What am I doing here. Not exactly a woman.


You don't need to be female to celebrate! The whole point of IWD 2016 is pledge for parity for all, irrespective of which gender they identify with (and for those who identify with neither too) not superiority of one on the basis of biological sex . I have two sons and a daughter - I hope I'm raising all of them to believe in equality.



I love that Brandon's female characters are all strong in different ways. You have Vin, the badchull, streetwise warrior; Jasnah, the intellectual who stands by her beliefs in the face of adversity; Siri, tossed into circumstances beyond her control and handles them better than anyone could have hoped; Shallan, who overcomes her toxic upbringing to save her family and the world....I could go on. Some authors just make every strong female character a badchull woman warrior, which makes exceptions even more exceptional. 

Hurray for geekdom, giving us female characters we can look up to and identify with.  :)



I absolutely agree. I'd add Sarene, Steris and Marasi to that list too. They're none of them perfect but they all show strength of character at various points in the novels.


This might be my favourite version of Happy IWD so far


This is mine:


Edited by Mrs.K.Stormblessed
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