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Let's assume the Shards match with metals


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Assuming that the Scadrian Allomantic/Feruchemical metals correspond with the sixteen Shards, which one goes with which? If you don't believe that the metals correspond like that, I have already discussed the topic, and have decided to press forward despite the controversy.

Anyway, to the metals. It would make sense, if they did match, to have the background effects of the magic system match their corresponding metal. There are other possibilities, and I would be very happy to see these alternate possibilities thought out.

But anyway, I ramble. As we see in SA, Stormlight has an effect similar to a Pewterarm: enhanced physical abilities, and rapid healing. Obviously, Stormlight is better than pewter, but it fits.

In Warbreaker, there is a 'life sense' that allows the people to know where people are. I submit that they are sensing the Breath, as Drabs don't register.

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First of all if you want match Shards and Metals you have to put also Hemalurgy Effect in the effort.


Second you have to estrapolate some "core" about how a metal works in the Metallic Arts. Just at the end you my try to mach this "core effect" with the Shard.


I am not sure if this may be possible but without doing this, you will only creates couples without any much sense (when for example you may use Allomantic Pewter to Surgebinding and Durallumin Feruchemy for Awakening) and anyway, how you may decide about magic system made by more shard or you don't know in depth ? (For example Surgebinder) Or you use only the "pure" manifestation of Investiture arose by a Single Shard ?

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I'm going with the passive effects when possible. But because of the nature of some of them, it is almost impossible. Sel, for instance, is very convoluted. Simply going on the fact that the magic of Sel seems to be Cognitive more than anything, (Forgery, various Aons, etc.) the emotional metals are probably Devotion and Dominion.

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I doubt that the metals match the passive abilities, as many of them are very similar. You mentioned enhanced physical abilities with Stormlight, but that is a side effect of being Invested. With enough Breaths, someone won't get old or sick. If they match up, they probably match the intents of the shards. Nicrosil makes sense for Endowment, but I'm not sure about any others.

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I'm not 100% confident in my 'passive abilities' theory, but notice that while all magic systems have increased healing and occasionally enhanced senses as passive abilities, Stormlight heals from terrible wounds almost instantly, and increases physical abilities as well as endurance and energy far beyond any seen in the Cosmere elsewhere as far as we know.

Also, I have determined how the internal/external thing works. With AonDor, Forgery, and Awakening, the magic system is not automatic, but what the Investiture does is dependent on external factors, like the shape of lines or verbal commands. On the other hand, Allomancy and Surgebinding are far more automatic. Not to mention, in Allomancy and Surgebinding, they actually take in the Investiture to use it, as opposed to the other magics mentioned. Awakening requires external use of Investiture to be practical in most cases.

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Also, I have determined how the internal/external thing works. With AonDor, Forgery, and Awakening, the magic system is not automatic, but what the Investiture does is dependent on external factors, like the shape of lines or verbal commands. On the other hand, Allomancy and Surgebinding are far more automatic. Not to mention, in Allomancy and Surgebinding, they actually take in the Investiture to use it, as opposed to the other magics mentioned. Awakening requires external use of Investiture to be practical in most cases.

There is a nice explaination about what is a External Magic System and an Internal one. It may help you with your research.

Now I have not the time to find it, but I will find later. For now I will write the Magic Systems I remember:

Aondor: External

Forgery: External (but just for deduction as also the other Selish ones)

Allomancy: External

Feruchemy: Internal

Hemalurgy: Internal (deduction)

Awakening: Internal

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I've posted something similar to this in another topic, but I think there is something here for sure.  Ati was very proud in Secret History that there were 16 metals, and that that was a hint towards something.


Duralumin stores connection and has a lot of similarities to Dominion's magic on Sel


Nicrosil stores investiture, very similar to Endowment's magic on Nalthis.


I find it difficult to make any strong connections past this though.

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I as followthelight find more compatible the Feruchemical Effect of the Shard than the Allomantic or Hemalurgy.

But it's still a very arbitrary way to decide compatibility.


But Followthelight the "hint" was about the number of the Mist-Snapped new allomancer.

Leras said that with number of new Snapping the people have to understand the artificial design behind, because it's the same number of Allomantic Metals

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I am not about the matching Shard-Metal ... I will try to give my little help:


Honor - Durallumin (Connection is more of Honor) or Iron (both for Pull together things and the Weight-Gravity relationship)

Preservation - Gold (Healing, preserve an Ideal version of yourself)

Ruin - Electrum (it's a bit less rigid but you actually may see the entropy generate by yourself) It's also the complement to gold, but I don't think this thought may be apply.

Devotion: Tin (the extra "feel" fit well with the idea of love).
Dominion: Pewter (Strenght, Dominion is mainly controll/unity through Strenght).

Cultivation: Zinc (A shard with an Improvement like Intent fits well with Mental Speed and Riot emotion) or Electrum but i used for another

Endowment: Nicrosil (the whole "spread the power")
Autonomy: Bendalloy (Nutrition, fit well with Autonomy concept)

Odium: Steel (the push away things)

Survival Shard: Copper (I don't know why, just an idea of mind.... ignore it XD) 


But Actually I don't like my own matching  :mellow:

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