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Book Dimensions for UK Editions


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I've been thinking about gradually snatching copies of the UK editions of Brandon's books from the Book Depository, but I would like to find out how they sit on the shelf. Does anyone have most, or even all of them? Their covert art obviously runs along a similar theme, which is really nice, but do their heights match?

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I have WoK (parts one and two), WoR (parts one and two), Mistborn Era One (boxed trilogy set), AoL, Legion/The Emperor's Soul and Elantris (not the 10th anniversary edition) all in Gollanz (sp?) paperback. They are all the same height. I also had a borrowed copy of Warbreaker which was the same. (I have the free download for myself).


I have SoS and BoM in hardback which are both the same height too. Because of the similarity in style, they look great all together on the "Brandon" shelf. I know opinion is divided but I really like the artwork for the UK editions (or at least the style, I wasn't too sure about Kaladin in shard-flippers for WoK :D)


Are you going paperback or hardback? 

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