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Could the recipient be the shard that just want to survive?


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So I just finished rereading WOR and was on coppermind, and found out that one of the WOB said that there is a shard that just want to survive. So I'm thinking could it be the recipient of the letter? Since he just want to survive, it make senses that he would have a nonintervention policy, right?

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I don't know if it has been outright, but it has in the same way that Khriss is confirmed as the AA author—lots of WoBs added up to confirm.


1) The recipient is definitely a dragon.

2) Frost is super long-lived as a result of his race.

3) Frost is the most Cosmere-aware non-worldhopper.



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People have asked questions about Frost (i.e. why he is functionally immortal, as referenced in the letter) which Brandon has answered, so even though I cannot find a direct confirmation, I can assure you that Frost is the recipient of the first Letter and the author of the second.


When Brandon was asked if the recipient of the Letter was immortal because he was a Shard, or from magic, or from his species, Brandon said that it was because of his species. (http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/45901-shadows-of-self-byu-midnight-signing/?p=337201) It doesn't rule out that he is a Shard, but means he doesn't have to be a Shard to be immortal.


The Intent of the Shard who wants to hide and survive is only tangentially related to how it's acting (http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/52009-bands-of-mourning-release-party/?p=392615). The Shard knows a lot about the Cosmere, and is smart enough to hide. Frost's non-interference policy as described in the letter sounded like more of a moral dilemma, as opposed to a self-preservation tactic, but we will need to learn more about Frost to know for certain. (Hopefully, we'll get some juicy tidbits in Oathbringer.)

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It is technically possible for it to have been a Dragon who ascended to become a vessel I suppose. I also guess it could be arguable if someone is still a human/dragon/etc... after they ascend, too, and assumed that if it were a Dragon who was also a Vessel that Brandon would have either said "both" or RAFOed the question.


I have no idea if this is true or not, but I had assumed some of the people who had read the BYU draft of Dragonsteel encountered Frost in that book and his character there informed their conclusion that the Dragon recipient was Frost. I've been referring to the recipient as Frost ever since because hey, it's helpful to have a name to put to said lizard.


But yeah, we can definitely rule out anyone that isn't(/wasn't) a Dragon.

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