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[BoM Spoiler] Why can I not obtain all the Metallic Powers ?


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I have just finished BoM and an idea come to my mind to made "Feruchemical/Allomantic Medallion" with only Misting/Ferring without need to use Hemalurgy (The Southern probably didn't know it), twinborn (if they have so few Metalborn a Twinborn are quite impossible) or Full Metalborn (Mistborn or Feruchemist) but I am unsure if I am right, because some problem pupped up if I have right:.


1) A SoulBearer A puts his Feruchemy in a Nicrosilmind Z

2) A Trueself B erase his own Identity and he taps the Metalmind Z to obtain Soulbearer's power, at the moment he has both the power needed to create a F-Nicrosil Medallion X usable by everyone.

3) Giving the Medallion X to a random Metalborn, the Metalborn may create a Medallion with its own power usable by everyone.


But with this method allows something apparently impossible to the Southerns.

You may create a Medallion with every Metallic power through a sequence of Medallions.

You need only to pass a Medalion Xn to some Metalborn. That Metalborn may create a Medallion Xn+1 with the previous power of Xn and it's own power.


Therefore, where I am wrong ?

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From what I picked out of how it works, the different types of Investiture mess with each other.  The reason you can't make a medallion with more than 2 or 3 powers is because they clash with each other and the entire thing fails.


Which, of course, begs the question of how the Bands of Mourning work.  My guess there is that it really was Rashek's original bracer set that Kelsier somehow tracked down and reforged into a spearhead.  Which would mean that to make something like this work with a bunch of different powers, you have to be a Mistborn/Full Feruchemist/Fullborn to imprint the template of all the different Investiture types working together.

Edited by Kaymyth
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apparently, all those n steps are what mess up the process. the more steps you make, and the more difficult it becomes. hence why they have at most three powers.

kelsier instead was fullborn, and he could fill all the 32 powers at once, in 1 step. that's why he could. I'm fuzzy on the specifics of those medallions, but I remember for certain that the book mentioned that making a medallion with all the powers is simple if there is one person who can fill all those powers at once.

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Kelsier is a fullborn? Also, are Marasi and Wax still mistborn?

At this point, we don't know how fullborn Kelsier is. He's naturally a Mistborn, but how much Feruchemy he has thanks to the spikes is unknown. 

As for Marasi and Wax, probably not. The BoM was a glorified Metalmind. Lerasium is the only known way to make one a Mistborn without a Spike. 

I do think that the Bands were Kelsier and Spooks endgame research,  a means of gifting power without needing Hemalurgy.

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The Bands were also self-replicating and replenishable as well, through compounding and siphoning portions into a second set to be compounded. Truly can be said to the the epitome of achievement for the metallic arts in terms of weapons.

Perhaps, even without identity, something in the nicrosilmind charges is slightly incompatible due to having originated from parts of multiple spiritwebs, which causes interference in some way when all accessed at once? The bands would've been made by a single person, bypassing this hypothetical problem.

After all, true ability transfer must not be a simple process if there is an entire, very complex and esoteric metallic art (hemalurgy) that works with that very result in mind. There might be complications, possibly not something a hacked loophole of feruchemy is fully capable of dealing with, but a specialized technique like hemalurgy can.

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Perhaps, even without identity, something in the nicrosilmind charges is slightly incompatible due to having originated from parts of multiple spiritwebs, which causes interference in some way when all accessed at once? The bands would've been made by a single person, bypassing this hypothetical problem.

Yes probably the problem is in the different Spirit-Webs of the various Metalborn needed.

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