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D&D Fans need to see this


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I'm just looking for resources for a D&D campaign that I am DMing for right? Well I just happen to stumble onto this. I was blown away. Someone made stats for Shardblades and Shardplate in D&D! I think that I might just get together with my local Sanderfans and play a game of D&D in Roshar. I wish I could play with you guys, but you are all so far away :(


I really just want to let you guys know that it was possible to play D&D set in one of Sanderson's worlds. If you guys happen to have any ideas for another one of his worlds, or even make the systems and stats for it, please, please, please put it in here so that I can see it.

Edited by Kynedath
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alas, i have no knowledge of 5th edition, so i cannot really understand what those stats mean. anyway, i'm not going to use those for my 3.5 campaign (it feels wrong to me using stuff made by other people), so i don't need them. if i had to make up stats for a shardblade, i'd say it completely ignores any nonmagical armor/shield/natural bonus to CA, and at every hit the target must make a reflexes saving throw against loss of one limb.

for plate, i'd suggest it gives +30 CA and +4 str; if one tries to break it, it has damage reduction 5/-, 200 hp, and once it has taken 100 damages, its CA bonus decreases by 3 for every other 10 hp of damage dealt. str bonus is reduced to +2 when it takes 100 damages, and it goes to 0 when 150 damages are taken.

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Storms, I feel left out. I just started playing, with 5e being my only option, so when people talk about pathfinder, it's like an exclusive club only to be entered after extensive research and playing an entirely different game.


Nevertheless, I love the version that I can play, and I love Sanderson, so when the two meet, I am completely ecstatic. I literally leaned towards my monitor like two feet in the middle of Social, nose practically touching the screen. Having to explain the sustainable development goals off of memory wasn't the most exhilarating experience.

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