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Ghostbloods = Diagramists, or something similar


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People Moash is working for are Diagramists, right? (Dude with Moash when fighting Kaladin at end of WoR says this isn't what the diagram said or something along those lines)

Shallan is working for the Ghostbloods, right?


Don't feel like finding the quote again (I found this like 6 months ago and thought I had posted it but I guess not), but Shallan's employer told her that Amaram's life is reserved for another.


Moash and the rest of Bridge 4 is, at this point, the only group of people who know Kaladin is a Radiant, and unless the Ghostbloods tracked him all the way from the battle where he became a slave, Moash is the only one who knows that Kaladin hates Amaram (come to think, this might have been after Adolin's 4v1, but I don't think so, and even still there's no reason the Ghostbloods would keep Amaram for him)



Therefore Ghostbloods = Diagramists, or at least they are working together.


This whole theory is from like 6 months ago, so I might be wrong.

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Mraize thinks Taravangian is an old fool, and the Diagrammists seem to be unaware he is only an apprentice to Iyatil, so I'd say that even if they are working together, which I doubt, since Mr.T didn't seen to be helping them kill Jasnah, they aren't the same group.

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Or they wanted to capture him. Nobody said all poisons kill instantly.

Very true, though in my opinion considering we are told it is a weapon for hunting, and every time we see it used, it kills the target (little animals), and makes Shallan feel that if she gets hit, she will die, I am leaning towards lethal. But yes, that does not necessarily mean it is lethal, just where I would bet my clear chips. 

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