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[Secret History Spoiler] [Bands Spoiler] Favorite Cognitive Shadow in Bands of Mourning?


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In the Postscript to Mistborn: Secret History, Brandon states:

Beyond that, if you watch closely during the Wax and Wayne books, you might figure out what Kelsier is up to during that time. 



The last time we see Kelsier (for certain) he is a Cognitive Shadow. If he remained that way (which may or may not have happened considering the Single Spiked Sovereign) what would his influence look like? We now know that Vin acted squirrelly when meeting Hoid because of Kelsier.  So when do other people act a little squirrelly.


One of those times for me was when Marasi held the Bands of Mourning. She suddenly has the realization that she doesn't want to be the Ascendant Warrior. Without a lot of indication why not, or how she comes to it in the face of all of her soul searching throughout the book. (Not saying she's wrong, just that it is abrupt.) So she goes to save Wax, which seems perfectly in line with her character, but she gives up the Bands to him. 


Then, after giving Wax the Bands of Mourning, Marasi has this to say. 

"Break things," Marasi said, "with style."



It's an interesting choice of words, considering this exchange in Mistborn: Secret History.


After coming back from visiting the Ire and confronting Ruin, Kelsier has this conversation:

"Ideas are never original," Kelsier said. "Only one thing is."

"And what is that?"

"Style," Kelsier said. 



I think the Marasi scene is a touch point, where we can see Kelsier's meddling. If that's the case then a couple things become probable:

  • Kelsier is a Cognitive Shadow, in Wax's time. 
  • He is on team Wax.

 Other possibilities come up but are not as definite:

  • Kelsier could have had a new body and lost it.
  • He could never have had a new body, in which case the Single Spiked Sovereign is someone else.
  • He could have manifested as a Cognitive Shadow to those Southern Scadrians because being near starving and freezing will break someone enough to allow him to appear. In which case he still is the SSS. 

That last one is pretty crazy because it would mean:

  • Kelsier gave himself a Hematalurgical Spike in the cognitive realm. Maybe making it through something similar to Forging or Soulcasting.
  • He then was able to fill a metalmind with that memory.
  • He then chose to fill that metalmind with that memory for reasons that are beyond me.

So that's what I got. 


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It was in Bands of Mourning when I looked at it. I think. It's fine now.


On topic now, I was going to say that I find this scenario unlikely. Kelsier was able to get through Vin because of their Connection. Similarly with Spook. Marasi, he has no Connection with outside of what her belief in the Survivor grants, and I don't think that would be sufficient, it's too impersonal. 

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I think you are missing one other option. It could be that the Spike is what enables him to be in the physical world and he simply removes it and puts in in his backpack and poof! Cognitive Shadow once more. Some things are easier to affect as whispers than as a scarred dude with a giant spike in his face.

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Wait, why can't Kelsier have gotten a physical body somehow, done his Sovreign duties down south, and then gone back into the Cognitive Realm and wish per in Wax's ear. He wouldn't have to lose his body to go to the CR, as world hoppers have been going there for years and not dying. Also, supposedly there's a shard pool somewhere near where he built his temple, in the southern mountains.

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On topic now, I was going to say that I find this scenario unlikely. Kelsier was able to get through Vin because of their Connection. Similarly with Spook. Marasi, he has no Connection with outside of what her belief in the Survivor grants, and I don't think that would be sufficient, it's too impersonal. 


 Marasi is holding *his* Bands of Mourning though.  If that isn't a Connection...  


I wrote elsewhere that assuming that Kelsier is doing his Cognitive Shadow behind-the-scenes snooping in Wax and Wayne books, the pattern is likely going to be like this: the viewpoint character ponders something, has multiple options, then suddenly chooses one. To me, Wax's staring matches with the earring fit the pattern, but I totally forgot Marasi deciding to give the Bands to Wax. Also, and this is *does* have Kelsier's style written all over it, Wayne and the shotgun now looks suspicious.  



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Wait, why can't Kelsier have gotten a physical body somehow, done his Sovreign duties down south, and then gone back into the Cognitive Realm and wish per in Wax's ear. He wouldn't have to lose his body to go to the CR, as world hoppers have been going there for years and not dying. Also, supposedly there's a shard pool somewhere near where he built his temple, in the southern mountains.


 I am actually assuming that this is exactly the chain of events that transpired.  


Except for the shardpool part. Cannot remember where the SoS broadsheet said that shardpool was... Was it near New Seran?

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 I am actually assuming that this is exactly the chain of events that transpired.  


Except for the shardpool part. Cannot remember where the SoS broadsheet said that shardpool was... Was it near New Seran?


Nicelle Sauvage of New Seran is the one reporting to have found "a mountain pool of the most perfect blue, fed by the melting snows of the height" "in the mountains south of the Southern Roughs." This is more or less close to New Seran.

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