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Main characters of final misborn triology (space triology) [Secret History Spoilers]


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This thread contains spoilers from Mistborn Secret Hisory. Please don't read further if you haven't read it.

We have WoB that Hoid is going to be the main character of the final space Mistborn triology and that Hoid and Kelsier don't get along. If you have read the new Mistborn novella then you know why. Hoid beats the crap out of Kelsier in the Well Of Ascension in the cognitive realm. They seem to have good chemistry. Knowing how crazy both are, did anyone else get a vibe that they both might be the main characters of the final triology? It would be hilarious to watch them forced to team up.


Hoid as the main character of the final mistborn triology -


Hoid and Kelsier don't get along -https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1ced7z/iamstilla_novelist_named_brandon_sanderson_ama/c9fqdn5?context=3

Edited by Sanjinar
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Do you have a link to that WoB?


Hoid as the main character of the final mistborn triology -


Hoid and Kelsier don't get along -https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1ced7z/iamstilla_novelist_named_brandon_sanderson_ama/c9fqdn5?context=3

Edited by Sanjinar
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Or, Kelsier is the mistborn serial killer that Brandon said was going to be in the next Era, and Hoid joins with some scadriens to take him down.


I really want Kelsier to be a villain; I think he'd be such an interesting antagonist. We'd get to see what it's like to be on the other side of one of Kelsier's crazy schemes, trying to account for everything he might do and then still being surprised when he does something that should have never worked.

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I really want Kelsier to be a villain; I think he'd be such an interesting antagonist. 



 He is actually pretty good where he is. The entire point of Secret History is that throughout his entire life he was an agent of Ruin. It is a really weird situation when your great revolutionary is the agent of what you perceive as a very horrible force in the series, while the great tyrant acts as a faithful agent of Preservation (and has Preservation's somewhat nutty but wholehearted support).  But this is what makes Kelsier so compelling - he is the representation of "good intentions pave the road to hell" pragma.  


Setting him up as an anti-hero or anti-villain is the right thing - it works for his personality very well. Turning him into a villain (which means making him pursue evil goals with evil methods) is less interesting.

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Setting him up as an anti-hero or anti-villain is the right thing - it works for his personality very well. Turning him into a villain (which means making him pursue evil goals with evil methods) is less interesting.

Thank you! It's much more satisfying to have a not-quite-so-good guy going around punching deities in the face than it is for a bad guy to go around doing it...

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I'm kind of sad that Brandon decided to do an extra Mistborn Series, meaning that the Space Age Series will be series 4, rather than 3, delaying it a bit longer :P I want to see how it works!

But yeah Hoid and Kelsier being the main characters of the Space-Age Mistborn Series sounds cool!

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I'm kind of sad that Brandon decided to do an extra Mistborn Series, meaning that the Space Age Series will be series 4, rather than 3, delaying it a bit longer :P I want to see how it works!

But yeah Hoid and Kelsier being the main characters of the Space-Age Mistborn Series sounds cool!

I don't think this era really got in the way of other mistborn. If he wasn't working on WaW then he would be working on a similar sized series, and since he has said that he wants the first half of stormlight to be done before modern age Mistborn than its probable that the exact same time will have passed with or without WaW. We are decades off of space age era either way, that's the last Cosmere series he's doing.

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I'm kind of sad that Brandon decided to do an extra Mistborn Series, meaning that the Space Age Series will be series 4, rather than 3, delaying it a bit longer :P I want to see how it works!

But yeah Hoid and Kelsier being the main characters of the Space-Age Mistborn Series sounds cool!

First of all, Wax and Wayne books contain some of the best writing he has done to date. Second, these books did not actually do anything for the timeline. If he did not write WaxAnaWayne books, he would not have replaced them with the 80s mistborn series. Rather, he would've written some other books in between stormlight archive.

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I'd like to quickly point out the difference between "a main character", which the WoB uses, and "the main character," which this thread uses.


Hoid could be a main character in the same sense Eshonai is a main character in the first half of the Stormlight Archive, or he could be one in the sense that Dalinar is. We have no guarantee as to him being the main focus of that trilogy, even though it will certainly act as the capstone to his story.

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