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The Final Empire - Discussion questions [spoilers]


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Hi All,


I've convinced my bookclub to read Mistborn: the final Empire. I read the whole trilogy last year so I'm a bit hazy as to what people know in which book. anyway, I want have some discussion questions that will not ruin the rest of the trilogy. here's what I came up with already:


What misting power would you prefer?

Allomancy or feruchemy?

Kelsier’s death sparks the creation of a religion, makes you wonder if religions were almost ploys. What do you think?

How do you feel about the religious themes? Do you think someone could find you a religion?

Do you think Vin is mentally stable?

 “You don’t know what you’ve done,” he said. “You’ve doomed yourselves.”, the lord rulers final words. Any thoughts?

How does this book stack up against other fantasies you’ve read?


thank you!

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Huh. Here's one:

What is Elend's place in the morality of his rape of a skaa girl? Should he be held accountable, even a little bit (that might seem a little bit simple, but I dare you to reread that passage. There is plenty of grey area in there).

Was Kelsier a good guy, a hero, or even an anti hero? Would you expect him to show up again?
What was the biggest question that you would like answered in any next books?

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well, the best part of the wrapup of the trilogy for me is the fact that religions are based on stories representing the world at that time. it shows the beauty in religion, and this is coming from an atheist. I guess that would be a question where i would like everyone's opinion on eventually.

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Hi All,


I've convinced my bookclub to read Mistborn: the final Empire. I read the whole trilogy last year so I'm a bit hazy as to what people know in which book. anyway, I want have some discussion questions that will not ruin the rest of the trilogy. here's what I came up with already:


What misting power would you prefer?

Allomancy or feruchemy?

Kelsier’s death sparks the creation of a religion, makes you wonder if religions were almost ploys. What do you think?

How do you feel about the religious themes? Do you think someone could find you a religion?

Do you think Vin is mentally stable?

 “You don’t know what you’ve done,” he said. “You’ve doomed yourselves.”, the lord rulers final words. Any thoughts?

How does this book stack up against other fantasies you’ve read?


thank you!


If I had to pick only one, I'd be a coinshot.




As a self confessed Agnostic with Atheist tendencies, if you ignore for a moment, Kelsiers motives. I think most religions (western anyway) are other people cashing in (for want of a better term on the altruistic goals) of an individual.


Fine with religious themes, quite enjoy them, though I believe you have to be looking for a religion to find one. Sazed is probably the character I’d most like to have dinner with. Otherwise it's brain washing.


Absolutely not I think it would be very difficult if not impossible for someone to be brought up as she was and not be at least slightly unhinged. However, I don't think she is bat excrement crazy.


Just finished Final Empire and If I didn't know that it was a trilogy + +, I'd have thought it was a standalone novel (most plotlines were tied up nicely). In which case I'd put it down to a 1000 year old dictator running his mouth.  On that do any of the 17th know if it was sold to the publisher as a standalone and expanded into a trilogy or as a triology.


Very Well, the man is an exceptionally entertaining writer. Not my favourite author (Gaiman since you asked) but very very close.

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Huh. Here's one:

What is Elend's place in the morality of his rape of a skaa girl? Should he be held accountable, even a little bit (that might seem a little bit simple, but I dare you to reread that passage. There is plenty of grey area in there).

Was Kelsier a good guy, a hero, or even an anti hero? Would you expect him to show up again?

What was the biggest question that you would like answered in any next books?


Yes, I don't think he should be executed but definately deserves some sort of pennance.


Antihero most def.  Yes, I beleive ther is far more to gold allomancy than appears in the ~three pages dedicated to it. 


Just started Well of Ascension think I’ve already spotted him.


I have one buring question in three parts. If as hypothesised by Vin, there are 12 allomatic metals (six base + six alloys) - assuming the 11th is an alloy and not a standalone metal:


i) where are they going get the atium from to experiment with?


ii) who's the metallurgist going to be? 


iii) who's going to be the ginuea pig to test them?  - If Eland finds a recipe in a book I'll scream.


"Swallow this Mistborn, it may may you awesome, it may make you sick or it might kill you.  The latter two options are more likely"

Edited by el_warko
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