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Something Sanderson said in my Signed SoS...

Haradion Drogon

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So. here is where I admit it.
A couple of months ago, I ordered a Signed copy of SoS. I haven't read it yet - because, owing to an unfortunate mix up, It arrived at my home address. (Being a Student, I couldn't retrieve it in term time, and I didn't want to risk my signed book being dumped outside in the wet (middle of winter).
I finally got arround to reading my signing.

And this is what I said (In additional to the usual *Thanks a lot, you write great stuff* stuff, I asked this:


I was hoping you could answer this Q&A:

The Letter implies Odium is allied or at least cross purposes with Bavadin. Is Odium actively Allied to any *other* Cosmere Power(s)?



His response:




There is that.

​Confirmation that there is at LEAST one other Cosmere "Power" working with Odium, apart from Bavadin. I am suspecting, Another, unknown, Shard, or possibly, a counter-organisation to the 17th Shard, or on top of that, an Anti-Hoid, another immensely powerful world hopper.

In either case, I specified "Actively Allied", so that rules out minions and unknowing fools who do his will unwittingly.
I considered this interesting.

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i doubt odium would be alllied with a shard, because odiium want to shatter all shards, so i doubt any would want to help him. but a powerful worldhopper may be involved.


There is a WoB that says Odium would work with a Shard only if he were in charge.

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