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HELP! [Spoilers: Mistborn Era 1]


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I just started reading the Mistborn series! 


I finished Mistborn, and have started The Well of Ascension. But when I posted it on Facebook I got a HUGE spoiler that made me want to stop reading the series! Can anyone tell me if there's an alternate ending to the last book, which is apparently the one that the spoiler is about? I can't handle an ending like that, so I might have to stop reading right here! HELP!

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I knew about the ending of the trilogy before I even started the Final Empire. Please press through! Mistborn is exemplary. And the ending is satisfying, though it sounds completely horrible out of context. Personally, I loved it after I finished, though I did cry a little. Mistborn is really worth reading, especially if you plan on getting into all that cosmere stuff, if you haven't already.


Have you read any of Sanderson's other stuff? (They're great, too.)

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I hadn't even heard of him until a friend started reading the first book of this series and said I was like Vin. So I ordered the trilogy and finished the first book in a week. Now I'm on the second but I get so terribly attached to characters that it literally breaks my heart when something happens to them. I'm just not sure I could handle what I've heard already. There's no other alternate ending or anything?

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I think I know which part of the ending you're referring to. In a few of Brandon's interviews, he's said things that gives people hope that what happened there can be undone by... a character you already know. We have no idea if Brandon will actually include such a scene in a future book, and I'm guessing there are fans who would be against it, but it's a possibility.


Oh, and Vin's totally awesome. If you see yourself in her, then you'll be really proud of what she ends up doing.


@Enna: I was like that, as well! It was actually my knowledge of the ending that kept me going through some of the less exciting parts of the trilogy.

Edited by skaa
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I just started reading the Mistborn series! 


I finished Mistborn, and have started The Well of Ascension. But when I posted it on Facebook I got a HUGE spoiler that made me want to stop reading the series! Can anyone tell me if there's an alternate ending to the last book, which is apparently the one that the spoiler is about? I can't handle an ending like that, so I might have to stop reading right here! HELP!

There is an alternate ending... Mistborn era 2 =)


The completion of the series leaves you a little hurt but better off in the long run.. if that makes sense.  While there may be some heartbreakers, life goes on and learning to live with the loss and roll with the punches becomes easier when you read Mistborn era 2 and you see what they fought for.


While some parts will disappoint you it is an extremely rich story and any pain it causes will be out shined by the good stuff.

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Yeah I was gonna say a torrent of reasons were just gonna keep rushing in until you posted those words. Was going to suggest if you did decide to put it down for a little while, just pick up Warbreaker. There is no way you couldnt love that ending.

Edited by The Ninja Yodeler
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Different world, different magic, same universe, same awesome author.

Basic, mostly spoiler free summary (like, of first couple chapters):

Princess has to marry a man she really doesn't want to, but is bound to by her father and a sense of duty.

But see, the man is none other than the blasphemous God-King of their archrivals...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If your interested in Warbreaker, you can read the entire book on Brandon's site for free. Read the prologue and decide if it is captivating enough to continue. The URL is  http://brandonsanderson.com/books/warbreaker/warbreaker/. When you finish reading Mistborn Era 1 it's worth the read. 


I think the magic system in Warbreaker is very clever. Just like all of Brandon's book it has it's fair share of plot twists.

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i just finished the hero of ages and i am really not sure WHAT i think right now.....wow.....


I know, right? I totally knew it was going to happen, at least the dying bit, but it was... crazy.

Actually, I still haven't managed to read straight through that part without getting way distracted and mindblown about it all.

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