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New Metals / Metal Symbols


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Hi everyone,


so, i was just browsing at Sandersons store, to order the Leatherbound Elantirs.... 

And at the product "MINI Allomantic Symbol Decals" I've realized something... there aren't 16, but 24 symbols.

Well we know 18, the 16 "actual metals", regardings Alloy of Laws and Shadows of Self time, + Atium and Lerasium.

So there are at least 6 unknow metals, I don't know if somebody ever realised this before, but i thought it's interesting...


specially the symbol in the down left corner looks really cool and interesting :P I bet this is gonna be Harmonium :P


So, have you guys ever realized that before, or heard of it?


Any thoughts?


PS.: I attached the picture as well, so you don't have to go to the store by yourself 



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The symbol in the bottom left corner is actually the map representation of Kredik Shaw


and there's also Malatium (3rd column, 4th row)


The Harmonium symbol was actually on the access badges (or something like it) for a recent event, someone might link the relevant thread.

It's not on the decal sheet.

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Let's break them down, actually, so we can see what's what and what still needs to be figured out.  


Row 1: Unknown, Chromium, Copper, Iron.

Row 2: Unknown, Nicrosil, Bronze, Steel.  

Row 3: Unknown, Aluminum, Atium, Tin

Row 4: Unknown, Duralumin, Malatium, Pewter.

Row 5: Lerasium, Cadmium, Gold, Zinc.

Row 6: Kredik Shaw, Bendalloy, Electrum, Brass.

Edited by Landis963
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The symbol in the bottom left corner is actually the map representation of Kredik Shaw


and there's also Malatium (3rd column, 4th row)


The Harmonium symbol was actually on the access badges (or something like it) for a recent event, someone might link the relevant thread.

It's not on the decal sheet.

Man I dont understand how you guys can just remember the signs/symbols for metals off the top of your heads. Just tell me you didnt, so, ya know, I can feel better about my lack of knowledge on the subject.
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