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Well, I just finished reading Words of Radiance yesterday and I just loved these first two books. My poor brain is consumed now with going over everything I read and trying to puzzle out what I can. So I came here to read what people are saying and if I have anything to say then I'll do that, too. These two books are driving me back into the arms of Fantasy - a genre that for the most part I haven't been reading much in recent times. I want to read them again now! Just so good! Anyway, hello!

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You say you are an addict, but at over 250 reads of his books in two years (most of those were repeats) I must say you are not as addicted as me.


I preferred the Mistborn trilogy over Warbreaker, then Elantris, then Warbreaker. So Warbreaker is the fourth favorite of my favorite books/series (SA being in first by a long shot.).

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I used to play bass but I lost interest for a number of reasons. I used to want to write but then I read what I wrote so now I stick to reading. I don't really have a creative outlet other than daydreaming which I do a lot of. My thoughts in my head are superior to my thoughts on paper, aesthetically speaking. Sometimes I draw, though very rarely anymore. Sometimes I like to carve interesting pieces of wood into abstract shapes that I fancy the wood dictates itself. Mostly I read and listen to music. Lately it has been Amy Winehouse and Tool. Go figure! I sometimes wish I had an art but I don't.

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Thanks and thanks for the tip. I'll do Warbreaker first if it will illuminate Radiance. ;)


Fortunately, Warbreaker can be read for free from Brandon's website. It's even got chapter-by-chapter annotations (if you're into that sort of thing).


Welcome to the official fan community of this wonderfully generous and prolific author. I hope you have fun. :)

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