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Shardblades are created by a bond between Surgebinder and His/Her Spren


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This may have already been theorized. But, if not - I could use some help fleshing it out. I believe that the way that Shards are created is by a sacrifice from the Spren to become the Shardblade for their Surgebinder. I'm still undecided on whether or not the Surgebinder, knowing the correct way, could release the Spren from the ShardBlade though.

This would make sense for me on why Szeth doesn't have a Spren and also why Shallan has a blade but has had no Spren show up for her (other than Cryptics, which I'm not convinced count as Nahel-bond spren).

I know this would Debunk a few theories related to Szeth and the Honorblade among others - but I feel it has some credence.

Please - pick this apart and hopefully make it better.

*Note* Every surgebinder we have met that doesn't have a Spren, has a Shardblade from an Unknown source. (This includes information from the readings).

*EDIT* I just did some more research on Cryptics and it appears they are Shallan's Spren, but I still feel this theory holds water, just not as much as it used to.

Edited by Macen
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*EDIT* I just did some more research on Cryptics and it appears they are Shallan's Spren, but I still feel this theory holds water, just not as much as it used to.


Shallan's blade is a former Radiant's blade I'm sure. So i don't think that should count against your theory.

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I dont think your quite on the money here. Syl told Kaladin that she has helped men fight before, which strongly implied that she was once joined with a Knights Radiant.


I think it likely is down to the bond though, but I think it is more of a symbiotic relationship between human and spren which allows them to create the plate and blade.

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I dont think your quite on the money here. Syl told Kaladin that she has helped men fight before, which strongly implied that she was once joined with a Knights Radiant.


I think it likely is down to the bond though, but I think it is more of a symbiotic relationship between human and spren which allows them to create the plate and blade.

I guess the driving force behind my theory is that I believe Szeth has a spren, but something has made this spren disappear/go away. I believe Szeth's Shardblade is newly made (which make sense on why it is smaller and thinner - he doesn't have to fight Thunderclasts - yet).

I also believe something to do with his Spren is why he became Truthless - the reason his spren is gone. I just thought the theory of the Spren essentially BEING the Shardblade made sense.

Syl's quote doesn't necessarily mean she was bonded with another human before.

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... Please - pick this apart ...

As you wish ;).  I'll do my best. 


I can see the Shardblades being created as a result of the Nahel Bond, among other things.  I can even imagine Syl inhabiting such a blade.  If she did so, I can't imagine her shutting up.  As Szeth's blade never talks to him, I can't see that as the genesis of this blade.  This is not evidence of any sort, just my sense of the story. 


Szeth is well-trained, with a very sophisticated understanding of Shardblades and windrunner surgebinding.  If he had to figure it out himself, I don't see how he would know all that he does.  It makes sense that he was trained in the use of the blade and surgebinding by people who have had the blade and been able to do Windrunner surgebinding before. 


Taravangian says "Given that monstrosity of a Shardblade by your own people, ..." and he doesn't disagree.   He talks about the Stone Shamans retrieving the blade after he dies. 


All the evidence I can see seems to point to him having been given the sword as part of his punishment.  I see no hints of a spren relationship in his present or past. 


While I think that spren may be involved in forming Radiantblades, it is hard for me to see that Szeth created this blade, nor that he had a spren relationship. 


Hope this helps...

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It does. I pretty much consider this theory debunked. I liked it though, it explained a lot of other things to me. But between the WoB quote and your explanation it's pretty much gone. I can't get behind the Honorblade explanation though. It's to uncharacteristic, and there are too many things stating that honorblades didn't disappear, and their appearance would be noted. I'm prepared to eat my own word on this, but I just don't see it being true.

I'm starting to lean towards cultivation somehow being linked in - but I have no evidence to support though.

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