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Theory: Kaladin meant to to wield a Shardblade? (Spoilers)


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Just a thought.

Shardblades can't be inherently bad. Mr Sanderson DID say in the dedcation that if he could give them all a Shardblade, he would.

Something is just wrong or broken in them..

I cant see Mr. Sanderson wishing evil or corrupted things upon the people who helped to make this book happen.

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Just a thought.

Shardblades can't be inherently bad. Mr Sanderson DID say in the dedcation that if he could give them all a Shardblade, he would.

Something is just wrong or broken in them..

I cant see Mr. Sanderson wishing evil or corrupted things upon the people who helped to make this book happen.

Good point. I still do not think Kal, the master spearman, should discard his spear, learn the sword and all that, when he is already about as dangerous as a shardbearer and can train more. I see no advantage in him being given shards, especially when Sylphrena opposes them.

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But I think that a spear would be basically ineffective against the various voidbringers. We see in one of Dalinar's visions that you either need a brute force (a hammer) or a shardblade to beat one. I think that Kaladin would need some kind of shard weapon, and listening to Dalinar describe how different using a regular sword is to a sharblade, I think it would be safe to assume that the same would be try for spear vs shards pear, if they are possible. Also, shardblades are the most effective shard weapon (maximises edge, the most unique part of a shard blade) and the fact that shardblades are the only shard weapons exist, that we know of, suggests that that was for a good reason.

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But I think that a spear would be basically ineffective against the various voidbringers. We see in one of Dalinar's visions that you either need a brute force (a hammer) or a shardblade to beat one. I think that Kaladin would need some kind of shard weapon, and listening to Dalinar describe how different using a regular sword is to a sharblade, I think it would be safe to assume that the same would be try for spear vs shards pear, if they are possible. Also, shardblades are the most effective shard weapon (maximises edge, the most unique part of a shard blade) and the fact that shardblades are the only shard weapons exist, that we know of, suggests that that was for a good reason.


Int he same vein that a Shardblade is different from a regular sword I imagine the Shard Spear would be different from a regular spear.. It would be more of a Naginata with a huge blade.  This would most likely lend itself to killing thunderclats and the like especially combined with Kaladin's increasing list of abilities.

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I agree with AG. If Kaladin makes a Shardspear I don't think it will be a standard piercing spear, Although I don't think it will really be a Naginata either I think it will be much more like a Gwan Dao.



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I agree with AG. If Kaladin makes a Shardspear I don't think it will be a standard piercing spear, Although I don't think it will really be a Naginata either I think it will be much more like a Gwan Dao.



Yeah That's the TICKET! When I say Naganita in my head it looks like that, haha.  I knew there was something closer to what I was thinking.  But for Kadadin just double the length of the blade.. hahaha.

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Yeah That's the TICKET! When I say Naganita in my head it looks like that, haha.  I knew there was something closer to what I was thinking.  But for Kadadin just double the length of the blade.. hahaha.


Exactly. Haha

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I think it is almost certain that Kaladin will get shards at some point, but because he is a master spearman I Don't think it will necessarily be a sword. At the end of The Way Of Kings, the honorshard held by Talenel'Elin is described as a spear or pike rather than a sword. I think that either Kaladin will come to possess this specific honorshard or somehow come to possess/create a new shard in the shape of a spear. It's a part of who he is, a sword just wouldn't fit.

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I don't think a Naginata or a Gwan Dao would take that much adapting. I would take some, as the blade is much heavier. However both Weapons, Naginata and Gwan Daos, are known to have short or long versions between 5-6 feet. 


We know Kaladin is taller than quite a few rosharians. So a Short Gwan Dao wouldn't be that different than his current fighting style. 

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What if the shardblades used to be bound to a spreen, and when the KR abandoned them, the spreen died. This could explain why Sly hates them, as they remind her of the spreen that used to be in them. Sly just hasn't recovered that part of her memory yet, so doesn't know why she hates them.

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I've been trying to find the relevant WoB on this for the last 30 minutes, but alas! I cannot locate it.


But there is a WoB stating that, while all 10 KR Orders had access to Shardplate and -blade, some of them did not usually use them at all. This seems to suggest that the KR were defined by more than just their shards.


I think the WoB is that all Radiants had access to Plate and Blade but not all of them used them. The Radiants individually, not as the Orders.  I think it's an important distinction. I highly doubt that entire orders stayed off the battlefield.

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Not entire orders off the field. None of the KR will be off the field. Not even one. You see... K stand for Knight, so they cannot avoid fighting.

However, some radiants will fight using other tools or using their powers. It probably will be unwise to have orders which do not know how o use shards, which is why I think all orders will use shards as a rule (interperting "them" as knights - until WoB proves me wrong), but Szeth says Plate interferes with lashings, and some might think like him.

Well, I can think of Edgedancers, who grow things and heal (healing allies, growing beasts/obsacles/cover/somehing?) as well as manipulate fricion (moving through obstacles? stopping large threats? turning opponents to ash?), and say they are more for support (medics, engineers*) than acive fighting, and therefore will usually not use plate, but this is like saying the field doctors can operate in the open, without cover, that it does not matter if they get shot - somewhat ridiculous.

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Ookla the Tardy:



Good point. I do not think Kaladin, the master spearman, should discard his spear, learn the sword and all that, when he is already about as dangerous as a shardbearer and can train more. I see no advantage in him being given shards, especially when Sylphrena opposes them.



It's Shardblades that Syl seems to hate; we don't know her feelings about Shardplate. Also, while Kaladin is indeed very dangerous without Shards, one nick from a Shardblade and he loses a limb. For that reason, I hope he'll get a suit of Shardplate, if not a Shardblade.

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Not entire orders off the field. None of the KR will be off the field. Not even one. You see... K stand for Knight, so they cannot avoid fighting.

However, some radiants will fight using other tools or using their powers. It probably will be unwise to have orders which do not know how o use shards, which is why I think all orders will use shards as a rule (interperting "them" as knights - until WoB proves me wrong), but Szeth says Plate interferes with lashings, and some might think like him.

Well, I can think of Edgedancers, who grow things and heal (healing allies, growing beasts/obsacles/cover/somehing?) as well as manipulate fricion (moving through obstacles? stopping large threats? turning opponents to ash?), and say they are more for support (medics, engineers*) than acive fighting, and therefore will usually not use plate, but this is like saying the field doctors can operate in the open, without cover, that it does not matter if they get shot - somewhat ridiculous.

If a trained Surgebinder who has dedicated decades to research or is simply terrible at fighting is on the battlefield, it's a last resort. Imagine Shallan in the middle of a pitched battle - she just isn't a soldier of any description.
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From what the two radiants (in the vision with the midnight essence) told Dalinar, and the fact that they said they are stationed in Alethela, which is the kingdom of war.

I never heard any quote of Jasnah's that is so, so I am guessing this is from a reading, and therefore spoilers.

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