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Being killed with an Honorblade binds you to it


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Unless you're Odius, of course.

What if the only way to transfer ownership of a Shardblade is to kill someone with it? If anyone remembers Davy Jones' heart from Pirates of the Carribean, something like that, only the other way around. We have WoB that there would be consequences for using one type of shardblade wrong http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=977

And if these are the Honorblades, the consequence would be giving up your own Heraldhood, and dying in a manner reminiscent of that dude from Mistborn, you know who I mean.

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Only humans/non-odius aligned sentients. It would be a pretty bad deal, sure, but as a way to ensure that the Honorblades are only used to fight the forces of Odium, it's pretty good. The only way to get out of that pact would be to leave your weapons behind. If the torture, suffering, etc. comes with the package, then you could almost consider the honorblades to be cursed - to be killed with one is to face an eternity of suffering, death, and brief moments of fear until you sacrifice another for the purpose

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Your link gives 207 entries and there's a lot about Blades. Which quote do you mean exactly?

And just for my understanding: You say, if a Herald would kill a person, he'd die and that person would become a Herald? Or just a Knight Radiant? Or if a Knight Radiant would kill someone that one would become a Knight Radiant?

This seems very unlikely to me. We know that (at least some of) the Heralds are still around (i.e. Shalash). I understood this as they were "really" around, not only as ghosts (am I wrong you meant Kelsier with that "dude"?).

Something like this surely would not have happened prior to the Last Desolation. So, when would this have started? After the Heralds abandoning the Oathpact? And why should anybody of the Heralds or the KR kill somebody who's not a foe, but someone honorable and "not-odius"? I'm quite sure if this would have been the method to make "Heraldhood" survive the "Heralds" would have died out long before The Way of Kings takes place.

All in all I'm curious for clarification what exactly you meant.

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Um... except we have an example of how you transfer ownership of a Shardblade, ala Dalinar. Honorblades could be different, but considering that the Heralds die in most Desolations and still have their Blades, I'm guessing not so much. I think it's not a great assumption to think that normal people aren't also following Odium during Desolations. Probably not a large number, but probably some trying to save their own lives.


EDIT: Also, I'm guessing the populace at large don't know about the Heralds being tortured inbetween Desolations, since there's no reference to it outside of the prologue. That seems weird considering that the Heralds are central to Vorin theology.

Edited by Vortaan
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