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Call me paranoid, but I just don't trust these two. (Moash and Danlan).  To be clear, I'm not implying in any way shape or form that I think they are working together.


I can see Moash being set up to betray Kaladin.  Having said that I was blindsided (Brandon'd) by Denth and Tonk Fah.


But Danlan, she just does not sit well with me.  She rocks up, bats her eyelashes at Adolin, and gets a prime spying position in Team Kholin headquarters handed to her.  I smells a rat.

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I can see Moash being set up to betray Kaladin.  Having said that I was blindsided (Brandon'd) by Denth and Tonk Fah.

I can understand how some might have been blindsided by the Denth/Tonk Fah betrayal, it was heavily foreshadowed. I do not see the same in the case of Marsh. I am not saying he definitely is not going to betray him for one reason or another, but I do believe it has to be a damned good one for him to want to go against Kaladin at this point. For despite his initial scepticism towards Kal, Marsh has grown to become very respectful and very loyal towards him.


Also, I just do not want him to. I like Moash. And because of that, Brandon wouldn't DARE to do that.

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I too have been suspicious of Danlan's sudden appearance and elevation.


The main counter argument to her is that Navani has investigated her and likes her. Navani is a very old hand at the political game.


As for Moash, I am more concerned that his need for murder / death / vengeance will lead him to Odium. Narratively it would make a nice counterpoint to Kaladin's journey to let his hatred for lighteyes go.


So I would say Moash is potentially less a betrayer and more a corruptible soul.

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I too have been suspicious of Danlan's sudden appearance and elevation.


The main counter argument to her is that Navani has investigated her and likes her. Navani is a very old hand at the political game.


As for Moash, I am more concerned that his need for murder / death / vengeance will lead him to Odium. Narratively it would make a nice counterpoint to Kaladin's journey to let his hatred for lighteyes go.


So I would say Moash is potentially less a betrayer and more a corruptible soul.


Same thing here, she looks know exactly how pull Adolin strings, she poised herself in Dalinar clerks, and Navani kind like her. To many people to fast, maybe Brandon is preparing her to be Shallan friend, after all Shallan can't stay at Jasnah side alll the time, or she come to camp with a set reason (spy,killer, etc) or both =)


She kind remember me Vin in Final Empire (with the spy act), Anyone remember if was said from what pricedon and what are her origin ?



And Moash, him are loyal this is for sure no backstabing. But If Kaladin, for any reason, stay between Moash and his revenge things could get bad very fast. Lets say, if Kaladin gain a blade or plate (another one, and this is only a exemple) Moash could very well desire the plate for himself friction between brigdemen.


From Kaladin crew Moash are the one that I'm more uncertain, Kaladin surround himself with a nice bounch.



Rock- Honorable, and Funny


Teft- Want revive Radiants and Kaladin are his best shoot


Sigiz - I guess will follow his master lead and trust kaladin


Lopen - Nice guy all the way


Skar - Loyal, good fighter (great candidate to Szeth kill)


Hobber- Idolize Kaladin


Dabbid - Own his life to Kalalin and when he snaps out his mental shock for sure will provide information(what hell he saw)


Leyten, Peet, Drehy, Tofin, Yake(I missed someone that are still alive and was named?) - Well someone have to wear red =)


Shen- Well this one will be interrising in future we all know =)

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Leyten, Peet, Drehy, Tofin, Yake(I missed someone that are still alive and was named?) - Well someone have to wear red =)


Shen- Well this one will be interrising in future we all know =)

Nice Star Trek reference :-). They may be redshirts, but I think Brandon is going to kill or shard cripple someone important from the first book. Probably Andolin, Kaladin, Dalinar, or Navani. Maybe even Syl somehow. The red shirts don't matter except as a means to move the story forward.

I am curious to find out who Moash wants to kill. I have a feeling it will pit Moash against Kaladin not because Moash is a traitor, but because Moash has sworn vengeance on someone Kaladin must protect.

If anything, I think if a betrayal is to occur, then it will be Dalinar that does it as a result of his honor. I.e. Kaladin wants vengeance on Amaram for what he did to Kaladin's squad, but Dalinar will prevent it.

“All is withdrawn for me. I stand against the one who saved my life. I protect the one who killed my promises. I raise my hand. The storm responds.”

Excerpt From: Sanderson, Brandon. “The Way of Kings.” Tom Doherty Associates, 2010. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=376229549

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Dabbid - Own his life to Kalalin and when he snaps out his mental shock for sure will provide information(what hell he saw)

I kind of think he really didn't see anything important. I think that the horrors of battle and the pain of his wound just broke him a bit, not something shocking or world-shaking.

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I kind of think he really didn't see anything important. I think that the horrors of battle and the pain of his wound just broke him a bit, not something shocking or world-shaking.


In some point I think that someone said that Dabbid saw something in the "other side", and I interpreted this as he really saw something, but I can't remember exactly what was that made think this, so I will gonna check that later =)


Well, how about this.


"All is withdrawn for me.

I stand against the one who saved my life. Dalinar (saved him from Sadeas)

I protect the one who killed my promises. - Amaram

I raise my hand. The storm responds.- Obvious windrunner reference."


Sidenote - I believe this phrase must be from some viewpoint character but not necessarily Kaladin,and the events described couldn't not have ocurred yet.

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well... Kaladin is now protecting Dalinar. So what if Dalinar does something that kills Kaladin's promises?

And Szeth saves Kaladin's life somehow?

That would be an interesting twist :)


 Could be, The only thing that I'm sure is that and when we discovery what events and person this reffer we gonna say" how we didn't notice before, it's so obvious" =)


I really like this in Brandon writing =)

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Moash always rubbed me the wrong way. It's like every time he opens his mouth, it's related to power/himself in some way. But betrayal? Maybe. I'm honestly not too invested in his character, to be honest.

But Danlan? I definitely think she is. Everyone knows that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his son.

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Moash always rubbed me the wrong way. It's like every time he opens his mouth, it's related to power/himself in some way. But betrayal? Maybe. I'm honestly not too invested in his character, to be honest.

But Danlan? I definitely think she is. Everyone knows that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his son.


By that you mean that Danlan will hit on Dalinar, that would be a scandal =)


And the best way to a man heart aren't his son, if you catch my drift ;)


PS: I'm talking about his stomach, by the way. See the Rock example, the dude fixed some meals and all the brigdemen think that he is the next best thing after the Almighty. Don't believe?


1-They bought as a gift to him a razor, and they all are so poor that they alll would sell their launch to buy their dinner, and guess what they bought to Kaladin, how SAVED THEIR LIVES time and time again. NOTHING.


2- Kaladin got sick and guess who are elect the next brigdeleader, Teft old war veteran very experienced and still well fit? Moash young stongminded champ? No, they choiced their cook because if someone must survive running in the back that would be the only one that know how cook.


3- Guess which person said that he wouldn't fight but even so are choiced to be lieutenant, and gain x3 the normal wage, of the Honor Guard of the bright whose life they saved inthe position of quartermaster.Leyten that fixed all the armors and  know about crafting armors and weapons? Lopen that are able of conjure out of thin air almost anything that they need? No,no,no the cook again =)


All brigdemen have a huge man crush on Rock, and the fella are a big, barbed, red head dude for almight sake. So I make my case thebest way to a man heart are his stomach case closed =) 

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