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I've just found this site and the cosmere. I had no idea. I've spent the last few days poking around this site and long story short my minds been blown and have alot of information I've been trying to sort out in my head. That being said I have a few theories of my own. Also a few questions hopfully I'm not rehashing things thats been done before.


  It seems alot of people are going with Eshoni, as the explorer mentioned on the cover of WoR. Personally I'm leaning toward Rysn. There is definatly somthing going on with her. She travels alot for trade and to places we only see through her. Then the whole scene of the soul of the greatshell saving her and giving her the larkin. I know the broken legs might hamper the whole exploring thing but she could heal and continue her travels.

(speaking of the larkin, could that be the same type of creature darkness used to drain lift of her stormight?)


 Next topic, Honourblades and shardblades. Where to start. My first thought I want to put out there is about the one differnces between the blades when a herald dies his blade disapears, but when a  shard bearer dies his blade appears for who ever wants to take it. I'm thinking along the lines that the honourblades are the origonals earned by the hearalds when they took the oathpact possibly given by honor himself. And shardblades are a fabrail type knock off created by man for the KR, Since fabrails have spren trapped inside when the user dies the blade can be used by anyone. Possibly in the making of a shard blade the spren trapped inside chooses to become a blade for one they choose worthy. That could be why Syl says Dalinar is better off without it because he didnt earn it and the spren inside did not choose him. I know theres no evidance for this but its just my idea. It could be Dalinar isnt meant for a blade but a shard hammer?!? I just thinking of when hes in that ditch beating away at the rocks and how it gave him claraity and time to think, sort of like Kaladin and his spear. Also a shardhammer seems to fit in with his order people are leaning to...stoneward i think it was.


 Well I've rambled enough for my first post but you can be sure it wont be my last. I hope I was able to get my ideas across like i want to. I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words. Let the bashing begin!


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Hey there, welcome to the forums. I know the mind blowing feeling.


The Explorer might be Rysn. I don't really think so, though, because she's an interlude character and has had no contact with the main characters, whereas Eshonai has with Dalinar.


As for the Honorblades, no clue. I don't think spren are involved in their creation, but I can't offer any concrete reasons why. I think they disappear when the Heralds die because the Heralds are still around, and the Blade is still bound to them. it has to transport itself back to wherever they go when they die. With the Herald's agreement broken, though, I wouldn't be surprised if they start acting differently on a Herald death.

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Welcome! Upvote for braving the informationstorm!


Another reason for the explorer maybe being Eshonai is that Brandon has said she will be a point of view character in a future book.  The Parshendi are pretty important to the overall story currently.  In her preview reading she talks about exploring twice, where it is not essential to her actions.  Rysn doesn't really seem that taken with travel and strange people.  She puts up with it for the sake of her ambitions, as I see it, but doesn't love it for it's own sake. 


Good catch on the Larkin. I agree that it is the same sort of creature.  Brandon has said that they have abilities relating to stormlight. 


The modern fabrials use spren, but the Radiant-era fabrials may not.  Apparently the Radiants made the swords, armor, soulcasters and other fabrials, but didn't pass on the secrets of their manufacture. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wondered about this too, but my conclusion was that Rysn could be the explorer, and I thought Jasnah or Eshonai a better fit. And of those two Eshonai.

Rysn isnt exploring, or fascinated with exploration as a character (at least that we've seen so far) she is training to become a master merchant and do her babsk proud. Her want to visit famous and exotic places of roshar was founded on visiting great tourist spots, places of great fame or comforts, but thoroughly we'll known. It doesn't seem to me that she has a natural want for exploration, but a naive want for wealth and prestige associated with exotic ports. However her interlude from WoR shows her growing up a bit.

Jasnah clearly wishes to know the. Truth of things, and leads her to a life of scholarly exploration, however it seems a stretch even to myself.

Eshonai's memories of first leaving her tribe and striking out into lands beyond the shattered plains, along with her desire to leave her position of authority and go explore Roshar and it's curious one-form humans speaks to me that from what we know she has the strongest case for being the explorer.

I also think the discovery of storm for will lead to some talks between Eshonai and the Alethi, hopefully Dalinar. But that's mostly hopes and speculation

This was my thoughts on the explorer from that thread I posted in my previous comment, I haven't quite figured out hoe to do the fancy quote box yet

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Welcome to the forums! The information overload is amazing. ( I'm getting my little brother into WoK, but it's his first BS book and he hasn't finished)


There has been much speculation as to the manner of a Shardblades creation. One current theory is that the Nahel bond forms them, another is that they are forged by Bondsmiths. 


My belief is that Radiants increase their level of Investiture with additional Radiants Oaths, . And with enough of them they will have enough Investiture to grant a Shard weapon by Honor.

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I'm 110% on board with the Spren sacrificing itself for an honorable persons shard blade. I still need to finish my post about this (I've been compiling what I think is a pretty compelling theory post). But I have thought this for a long time and totally support it. I will link to my theory when I get it posted (probably sometime later this week).

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