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I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  I think the idea of Wayne's imitation abilities just being pure talent/skill is much more interesting than the notion that they're related to some sort of power.  Sometimes people are just really, really good at a thing.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again:  I think the idea of Wayne's imitation abilities just being pure talent/skill is much more interesting than the notion that they're related to some sort of power.  Sometimes people are just really, really good at a thing.





Also, we  don't know what the special effect is from being both a Slider and a Bloodmaker.

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Except for the fact that a Kandra can:

1) Change their shape and bodily composition, allowing them to mimic humans and become them to a degree.

2) Mistwraiths, which Kandra are created from, can breed (even before Sazed became Harmony it was stated that they could breed and that new ones were made from these mistwraiths) meaning that technically so can the Kandra since they're simply cognizant mistwraiths.

3) MeHaan implied that a Kandra can mimic human DNA in Shadows of Self. Meaning their DNA has to at least be partially compatible. Possibly meaning an infertile hybrid but also possibly meaning that the Kandra can breed viably with humans.


Now, I agree it's probably not the case and very much out there in terms of theory, but it's an interesting thought nonetheless. I'd like to know what people think would happen if this was even possible as well as if they see the theory as possible at all. It's just such a curious topic and one that I have not seen come up in the past, even for the Q&A with Brandon, from what I'm aware of. But that kind of character just seems like it'd be so fun to see or speculate about.

This is a question I'd wondered, particularly when

SoS Spoiler

MeLaan said that when they transform, they are completely indistinguishable from a human, including bleeding, need to breathe/eat/drink... they seem to be temporary humans


I know the discussion has moved on more towards the speculative what if, but I find the question of why breeding is impossible to be interesting, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents.  


While kandra can replicate humans exactly (including blood, and probably genetic materials), the situation is more complex than that.  



Brandon, I'm a huge fan of yours. Originally I found out about you after you were chosen to finish The Wheel of Time, and since then you've become my favorite author. I have a few questions regarding mistwraiths:

How intelligent is a mistwraith? Could you raise and train mistwraiths like dogs or horses, controlling what forms they take by the bones you give them? Would you be able to train yourself a horsewraith steed by giving it only the bones of a horse?

This is feasible. One thing to keep in mind is that mistwraiths are people who have a blockage between the physical and the cognitive realm, messing with their ability to think. Think of them as mentally-stunted people. There's enough there to train, but then you have to dig into the ethics of it...



The break between the different realms could be the reason why Kandra can't breed despite their replication abilities.  While the spikes do 'staple' the two realms back together, they do not succeed at returning the Kandra to human form.  My guess is that any genetic material replicated by the kandra would lack some spiritual aspect necessary to create new life, or that the breakage between the cognitive and physical aspect causes it to fail.  Perhaps the replicated genetic material would lose its integrity after separating from the kandra's body?  Regardless of the explanation, my perception was that Kandra would function similarly to a human who is incapable of having children for the purposes of breeding.  


Also, I don't think we know as much a bout Koloss-Blooded people as we think (unless I've missed a WOB to the contrary.  



I’ve mentioned before, obliquely in interviews, that Sazed transformed the koloss duing his ascention. Part of what he did restored their sentience to more human levels, and he changed the way they interact with Hemalurgy. (And that’s all I’ll say about it for now.)

Anyway, yes, it’s possible for someone to be a koloss-blood. I’m reserving an explanation for precicely what this is, and how it works, for a future book.



Do we actually know that Koloss-blooded people acquired their koloss blood through genetics?  Perhaps there is another explanation.

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Koloss-blooded are people born from koloss parents, but who haven't gotten Hemalurgic spikes. 


So, when koloss reproduce, the offspring is koloss-blooded. They can choose to accept spikes when they come of age, and become proper koloss, or they can leave. Outsiders who aren't koloss blooded can also accept the spikes to become koloss if they want.


The only WOB I have for this is here, although I think there's more recent ones in text. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been transcribed, though. At 5:02 in the recording for the koloss question.


All of which is a very different situation from kandra.... If there was a way to have kandra-blooded people, it wouldn't be at all analogous to koloss-blooded, IMO.


EDIT: Fixed the link.

Edited by InsurrectionistFungus
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The only WOB I have for this is here, although I think there's more recent ones in text. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been transcribed, though.

Your link follows to a thread about unknown Allomantic metal symbols.

Edited by Lindel
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Koloss-blooded are people born from koloss parents, but who haven't gotten Hemalurgic spikes. 


So, when koloss reproduce, the offspring is koloss-blooded. They can choose to accept spikes when they come of age, and become proper koloss, or they can leave. Outsiders who aren't koloss blooded can also accept the spikes to become koloss if they want.


The only WOB I have for this is here, although I think there's more recent ones in text. As far as I'm aware it hasn't been transcribed, though. At 5:02 in the recording for the koloss question.


All of which is a very different situation from kandra.... If there was a way to have kandra-blooded people, it wouldn't be at all analogous to koloss-blooded, IMO.


EDIT: Fixed the link.


Nice!  I'm glad to hear koloss blooded people are not the result of a full koloss breeding with a regular human, because that's a little creepy (even with mental enhancements).  I wonder, does becoming a proper koloss turn them genderless?  


So I guess if the koloss blooded person chooses to live as a human instead of becoming a full koloss, they can breed with regular humans and pass down some of their koloss traits.  Very interesting.  

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