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Hemalurgy Heritage


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Hi everyone,


I'm new to this forum, I didn't find anything exactly about that, so I hope I didn't miss a post about this,

So, Hemalurgy isn't just "adding another ability". It's like you modify your spirit web with a piece of a soul of somebody else, which means basically to me, you "rewrite" your soul, as lons as the spike is in, of course.


So, shouldn't it be possible, that if a person with hemalurgic added abilities has kids, said kids should be able to have all those abilities, without getting a spike, right? I think I remember Sanderson said once, it's something we shouldn't think impossible (sorry, can't find that anymore....)


And then follow up question: Do you think the kids could only be normal Mistings, Mistborns, Twinborns, Ferruchemists or Ferrings? I mean, if the father or mother would have 2 abilities (both Allomantic) could the kid get both, or just one?


And last: Do you even think this will ever happen in books? I mean, if it works (which i think it should) it could bring natural born Mistborns back, without the use uf Lerasium. Maybe Marsh is already creating his little Mistborn-Army, who knows :P ?

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Interesting idea and welcome to the forum.


I don't know if Brandon would ever go there but it might be possible for someone with a spike to pass that ability to their children, in theory. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.


As far as having 2 and only 2 allomantic abilities, that is pure speculation, as thus far it has been stated outright that someone has only 1 or has all allomantic abilities. Unless that is contradicted, I'm going to say that is not possible.

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Yeah, I remember a WoB saying that an Inquisitor would be more likely to produce allomancer children . . . if you ignore certain "complications".

It's still naturally impossible for a spiritweb to be encoded for two metals. My personal understanding of mistborn allomancers has always more or less been that their connection to Preservation is just so strong that something in that metal-designator for their ability to burn just outright breaks and everything starts being able to flow through.

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Yeah keep in mind that it's the Investiture as a whole that's passed down, not specific abilities. Tineyes aren't more likely to have tineye children than any other Allomancer so I think having two spike would just mean your child would be slightly more likely to be an Allomancer of some kind, not that they'd have two powers.

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Yeah  Voidus is right.


It's the "Magic System" that has passed down from parent to the child (when we talk about Allomancy and Feruchemy).

Just see at Straff Venture, he was a Tineye and generated a Mistborm (I suppose there isn't any better example), many mixed Misting and his Child "more likely Allomancer" is not an Allomancer at all.

A guy with n Allomancy-Spike would generate (if He is luckly enough) a Simply Misting (or a Mistborn but it's so unlikely to be quite impossible).

More fascinating (to me) are the Heritage of Human Attributes.

If a guy with a Strenght-Skipe generate a lot of Children, some of this Children would have an abnormal strenght I suppose. It's probably what we see with the Koloss-Blood in the HoA era. Some of them have to be "abnormal Strong" than the average Koloss-Blood. I suppose that this is the only "large-scale Hemalurgyc Breeding" that we may see in the series.

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About the point with getting 2 Allomantic ability, I totally agree. Before, I didn't think about it in the right way (not as passing of the whole Magic-System).


About bigger chance that the kids might be Mistborn, I think of it in following way...:

Allomancy was already before the Lord Ruler around, but really rare. When he gave away the 9 (correct me if it wasn't 9) beads of Lerasium, he created 9 really powerful mistborn. The descendants of them had a way better chance to become Mistborn/Mistings, as "the force was strong in them" (little star wars quote for the coming movie :P )

Over the years (1300, 1000 of the Lord Ruler, 300 since Ascension of Sazed) the "Force" got weaker --> less likely to become Metalborn children. If know somebody with Lerasium would become Mistborn, his kids would again more likely become Metalborn then others, as his connection to Preservation is much stronger, right?


So, using Hemalurgy, your connection should get stronger too, as you can burn more Metals (I know, that confuses me about my own theory, as Hemalurgy is Ruin). So, as that connection is written in your spiritweb, this should be passed down to your childs --> bigger chance to become Metalborn just like when usign Lerasium.


Right? :P

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About the point with getting 2 Allomantic ability, I totally agree. Before, I didn't think about it in the right way (not as passing of the whole Magic-System).


About bigger chance that the kids might be Mistborn, I think of it in following way...:

Allomancy was already before the Lord Ruler around, but really rare. When he gave away the 9 (correct me if it wasn't 9) beads of Lerasium, he created 9 really powerful mistborn. The descendants of them had a way better chance to become Mistborn/Mistings, as "the force was strong in them" (little star wars quote for the coming movie :P )

Over the years (1300, 1000 of the Lord Ruler, 300 since Ascension of Sazed) the "Force" got weaker --> less likely to become Metalborn children. If know somebody with Lerasium would become Mistborn, his kids would again more likely become Metalborn then others, as his connection to Preservation is much stronger, right?


So, using Hemalurgy, your connection should get stronger too, as you can burn more Metals (I know, that confuses me about my own theory, as Hemalurgy is Ruin). So, as that connection is written in your spiritweb, this should be passed down to your childs --> bigger chance to become Metalborn just like when usign Lerasium.


Right? :P

That was my thinking too, someone with just one spike would be even less likely to have an Allomancer (Since the power will have decayed a bit) but someone with two spikes is more likely to have an Allomancer and it's more likely that Allomancer would be a Mistborn.

It's just speculation really and not sure how the Ruin aspect of Hemalurgy would play into it. (Random (likely incorrect) theory: This is how feruchemy came about, genetic mixing of Ruinous Hemalurgy with Preservations power of Allomancy :P) but that's how I thought it would work too.

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(note: paraphrased)
Q: Would Inqusitors’s kids have allomancy?
A: Not usually. It happens sometimes, but not usually. He then mentioned a little about sDNA, but that it’s not inherited as much as it is when it’s natural.



I do not believe the people proposing the idea that Allomancy is not directly inherited (ie. the idea that you just pass down more "innate Preservation" and this is what causes Allomancy) are necessarily correct.


Feruchemy is also inherited, and as far as we can tell, it is not the result of an imbalance of Preservation/Ruin.


This suggests Allomancy is a more traditional sort of gene (albeit Spiritual) rather than the expression of a background Preservation power level. (Also, burning lerasium probably doesn't cause the power in it to stick permanently in your soul, it just adds a few genes?)


With this in mind, I don't find the idea that an Inquisitor's child might be a multiple-Misting too far-fetched. I am not ready to reject it yet.

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