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Windrunner Dodgeball


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So, I'm in an RP group with some members of the tumblr cosmere fandom over skype, and sometimes in our off-topic chat gets very interesting. I snatched this gem to share on tumblr and figured I ought to share over here too.


Lunarubato: Windrunners are the best at dodgeball


FeatherWriter: That's how the Szeth/Kaladin showdown will go. Windrunner dodgeball.

Abalidoth: If you can dodge a Shardblade you can dodge a ball!

FeatherWriter: *ugly laughter in Starbucks*

Emmalyn: oh god XD

Lunarubato: Gets down to one Windrunner, uses reverse lashing to block all the oncoming balls, gets entire team back in play

FeatherWriter: Bridge 4 is def Kal's team

FeatherWriter: And Renarin

FeatherWriter: Renarin doesn't want to play, but Kaladin and Adolin say it will "toughen him up"

Lunarubato: Bridge 4 gets in trouble for their "improvisational dodging" which mostly involves hiding behind the bleachers

FeatherWriter: They want to know why they can't have shields.

Lunarubato: "Turn the bleachers sideways," they cry as they rip pieces of metal from the wall


As you can see, we are a very mature group of adults. So mature. 

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Technically this was over Skype, but we're all tumblr-ites, so I linked to their blogs. There was copious talk of the SA players playing Mario Kart...


FeatherWriter: Wit is that player that stays in first the whole time until a blue shell alert comes up and then he SLAMS on the breaks and Sadeas takes it for him.

Lunarubato: Then he zips ahead, gesturing to his "TIMELINESS" bumper sticker as he fades into the distance
As well as high school!AU Kaladin as a rebellious teenager to go with the dodgeball game.
Swamp-Spirit: See know I just see Kaladin with badly bleached hair
Swamp-Spirit: Lighteyes prize dark hair
Emmalyn: frosted tips + boy band hair
FeatherWriter: No stahp
FeatherWriter: pls i'm begging u
FeatherWriter: do not do this to my frail and mortal body
Lunarubato: Can Kaladin try to make armor out of the desks
FeatherWriter: Erasers.
FeatherWriter: He gets detention ALL THE TIME because Gaz the hall monitor hates him
FeatherWriter: And he has to smack erasers together.
Swamp-Spirit: No. Anatomical plastic dummies from the science lab
Lunarubato: Just like hundreds of chalkboard erasers tied to his torso
Swamp-Spirit: Bone armor
FeatherWriter: He doesn't even bleach his hair. He just puts chalk dust in it.
FeatherWriter: KAL. NOT AGAIN.
Swamp-Spirit: OH MY GODH
FeatherWriter: That really quiet kid in the back, Shen, gets really upset because he has to put all the dummies back together afterward and he cares about them a lot.
Swamp-Spirit: Just covered in these
Swamp-Spirit: It's actually disturbing
Abalidoth: WHAT
Lunarubato: Bridge 4 wanders into the gym covered in tiny plastic babies. No one's entirely sure how to respond
FeatherWriter: Oh god
Lunarubato: *throws CPR doll*
Abalidoth: *dying*
Swamp-Spirit: "Strength before weakness!"
Swamp-Spirit: Working out on gym equipment
Swamp-Spirit: "Five minutes late for class"
FeatherWriter: *mashes play on the boom box*
FeatherWriter: DOOON'T STOOP
Lunarubato: *dragged out of gym in general direction of principal's office*
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I always laughed at older generations' inability to intuitively grasp technology. I also used to wonder when my day would come.

That day is now.

I don't understand Tumblr at all. I can't figure out how to navigate through it or how to work the hashtags and just everything about it is too frustrating for me. The whole thing just seems counterintuitive and I hate it.

I hate it and I secretly want to be a part of the Tumblr fandom's shenanigans.

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I feel with you, Alaxel, especially since I've been going around thinking about Windrunner dodge-ball for most of the day. I SO want someone to make an animé about it or something. Or maybe just lurk in on the next Windrunner dodge-ball chat.

Edited by Aether
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I'm not sure you could do that with Awakening. The system makes inanimate objects mimic the abilities of living (human) beings. An awakened ball would have no good mechanism - while in the air - for changing speed or direction. You could probably make it roll, which would make it able to move while on the floor, but in the air, this would likely only make it able to slightly "nudge" it in any direction.

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I always laughed at older generations' inability to intuitively grasp technology. I also used to wonder when my day would come.

That day is now.

I don't understand Tumblr at all. I can't figure out how to navigate through it or how to work the hashtags and just everything about it is too frustrating for me. The whole thing just seems counterintuitive and I hate it.

I hate it and I secretly want to be a part of the Tumblr fandom's shenanigans.


Long rambly talk about what tumblr is and how it works in spoiler tags. And when I say long, I mean it. Seriously VERY LONG. 


Okay, first things first, what you have to understand is that tumblr is a microblogging site, in which you can either create your own posts or "reblog" other people's posts. I've been told it's a little bit like twitter and pintrest combined, but I'm not active on either of those sites, so I don't know how accurate that is. Tumblr works based on followers and blogs that you follow. So, I have followers on each of my blogs who will see the things that I post and reblog to them. I also follow a lot of blogs and anything that they post or reblog will show up in my dashboard.


You can run multiple blogs at once (for instance I have featherwriter (my original-work-only blog), alwaysanothersecret (my personal and reblog blog), adonalsium (my cosmere-only blog), as well as a few others like dustanddunes (where I put pretty pictures of deserts) and tienisdead (which was a joke just to be mean to the cosmere fandom hehehe.) Each of them is separate and individual, so followers of one blog don't see what happens on the other ones unless they go and follow them both. When I make a new post or reblog one, I choose which blog to send it to.


I mentioned the dashboard, and that's a thing. Tumblr looks very different to users than to those on the outside. So, I can link you to my blog, which will show you all the different things that I post and reblog to there, but you can't actually see my dashboard, where I get most of my posts from. I actually spend very little time looking at posts on people's actual blogs, because tumblr will show me everything that they've posted right there on my dashboard.


One of the exceptions is if someone puts a "read more" break on one of their posts (because it's long/because it's personal info that they don't want to bug people with/because they don't want to post spoilers/etc.) because then clicking the link will open it in their blog (though XKit has an extention that lets me open readmores in the dash). You might notice I've started using spoiler tags over here like readmores. If something's egregiously long like this or off topic in a thread, I'm gonna put it under a "cut" so as not to spam people, even if it's not specifically "spoilers".


For reference, my dashboard looks like this.


(Some of those pictures are glitchy because they're gifs that got frozen, btw. Also, I have a tumblr-functionality extention called XKit installed, so my dash looks a bit different than just plain tumblr. I've got some extra buttons and features thrown in there.)


So, I see everything like that my followed blogs post like this. I can click on the corner of a post to go see it on their blog, but for the most part I stay on my dashboard and just look at stuff there. You can see some cosmere fandom members on there: emmalyn, churchofthesurvivor, and elementnumber46 are all cosmere-ites, as is abalidoth (who elementnumber46 is replying to in his text post). But as you might have noticed, none of them are talking about the cosmere here. We all talk about all kinds of different things, and though cosmere comes up often, there's also a lot of other things to talk about as well! I also follow quite a few people who aren't cosmere people, because I like other things too.


Tumblr's a different culture as well. Social justice, feminism, and issues pertaining to gender, romantic, and sexual minorities are widespread and that's something you need to know going in. It's not a place where you're gonna be able to say things that people might find offensive and not get called out on it. Even in the cosmere fandom. Tumblr's a place for Shasnah and Kalarin. For genderqueer Tien at Hogwarts wearing sundresses to his classes. For crazy AUs and crossovers like: what if Disney's new movie Frozen had been about Renarin and Adolin instead of Elsa and Anna?


As for tumblr's tag system... well, it's kinda complicated. When you are searching a tag on tumblr, like say #cfsbf, that page is going to show you new, original posts (aka not reblogs) that have "cfsbf" as one of the first five tags. So, why do people tag reblogs or put more than five tags on a new post? Well, for one thing, many people have tagging systems on their blogs. Such as on Adonalsium, I tag all posts by shardworld, series, character, and type. So when people go to that blog, they can look through those tags and find what they're looking for.


In addition to that "blacklist" extentions like "Tumblr Savior" are widespread on tumblr, that will filter posts based on their content or tags, so people tag things that other people might not want to see, like trigger warnings, spoilers, certain celebrities or shows, pairings, nsfw things so that their followers can block those if they wish.


There's also something to be said about tumblr's comment etiquette. It's considered somewhat immature or rude to add a personal comment to a post that you reblog unless you're specifically joining an ongoing discussion or something like that, especially on a popular post. If it's a small thing that your friend posted, then cool go ahead, but if it's something with 20,000 notes, then it'd just be spam to the original creator probably, who sees all the notes that that post gets.


So, you put your comments in the tags, so your followers can see what you're saying and you can comment on things, but tags won't stay with the post when someone else reblogs it the way an actual response would. (Unless someone decides your tags are awesome, in which case they might get copy-pasted with the reblog to save them for posterity.) Other than that though, tags are better than actual text additions because they're nice and temporary and don't bother people. I've actually gotten to the point where I miss the tag system on other websites because I can't put snarky comments and parenthetical info down there. Tumblr tags are awesome actually.


So, if you're wanting to get into tumblr, make an account and I've got a list of some pretty active cosmere people over here: http://alwaysanothersecret.tumblr.com/post/55384506731/ Follow that list, and you'll be off to a good start.


...told you it was long, didn't I? Also, I can answer any and all questions about tumblr if you've got them.

Edited by FeatherWriter
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I'm not sure you could do that with Awakening. The system makes inanimate objects mimic the abilities of living (human) beings. An awakened ball would have no good mechanism - while in the air - for changing speed or direction. You could probably make it roll, which would make it able to move while on the floor, but in the air, this would likely only make it able to slightly "nudge" it in any direction.

Foiled by science again!

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Long rambly talk about what tumblr is and how it works in spoiler tags. And when I say long, I mean it. Seriously VERY LONG. 



You weren't kidding about the length!

Unfortunately, I don't think I have the technological wherewithal to deal with Tumblr, nor that tact to avoid hurting feelings.  I've always been a, "Unless-I-am-personally-singling-you-out-nothing-I-say-should-ever-hurt-your-feelings" kind of guy. Doesn't seem to mesh well with the Tumblr predispositions that you mentioned.  It's nothing personal.  But a man is a man, biologically, and a woman is a woman, biologically.  Nothing else is normal.  It even says so in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 5th Revision. I really can't deal with tiptoeing around transgender issues as if they weren't a documented mental disorder.  Sorry.  Again, nothing personal.  I just think we might be oil and water, the Tumblr world and I.

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Yeah, yeesh. That's... definitely not a worldview you would want to be touting around on tumblr. Seeing as we have quite a few wonderful transgender and genderqueer members of our fandom over there, it's probably somewhere you should stay away from, for their sakes if nothing else. I am very sorry that you think that way.

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But a man is a man, biologically, and a woman is a woman, biologically.  Nothing else is normal.  It even says so in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 5th Revision. I really can't deal with tiptoeing around transgender issues as if they weren't a documented mental disorder.

Wait, what now?

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This thread has made me very sad. Alaxel what you say about biology may be correct for the most part though there are many cases where some ones biological gender can be harder to define. Gender as in woman and man or otherwise should not have to rely on whether someone has a particular organ between their legs it makes very little sense. But I guess that is my thoughts and you are entitled to your own but I just feel sad and felt I should say something. And it isn't really your fault I've just been on edge since Australia repealed their homosexual marriage law and I've been reading about mars hill church... I just feel helpless sometimes. This is probably the stupidest 17th shard post ever though to be fair I have never really given much to this fandom really. I swear I'll do good fan art someday lol. And note to feather your post about how tumblr works is beyond useful :)

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This thread has made me very sad. Alaxel what you say about biology may be correct for the most part though there are many cases where some ones biological gender can be harder to define. Gender as in woman and man or otherwise should not have to rely on whether someone has a particular organ between their legs it makes very little sense. But I guess that is my thoughts and you are entitled to your own but I just feel sad and felt I should say something. And it isn't really your fault I've just been on edge since Australia repealed their homosexual marriage law and I've been reading about mars hill church... I just feel helpless sometimes. This is probably the stupidest 17th shard post ever though to be fair I have never really given much to this fandom really. I swear I'll do good fan art someday lol. And note to feather your post about how tumblr works is beyond useful :)


Glad to be of service Iredomi. Helping other people understand things that are confusing is one of my favorite things to do!


I think it's probably best that we drop the issue of gender and sex (because those are two different concepts), because this looks like it's just going to turn into a mess if we keep going. I didn't realize that I'd be starting something, but I'll see if I can stop it. I find it very unfortunate that Alaxel feels this way about these issues and I couldn't be further in disagreement with a lot of the things that he said, but this isn't the place to discuss them. We can carry this to a private chat if we so choose, but let's keep it off the main site.

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