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Hoid Might Be A Feruchemist (not much proof)

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I don't have any solid proof for this theory. I don't even have much reason. The only bit I have is this: Hoid has an insane memory. Yes, it could be due to the fact that he's a story teller. But still… his memory makes it possible.

Of course, Hoid also may have possible ways of tapping into the power of any of the Shards, which may be even more likely. Maybe we'll find out in the Dragonsteel series.

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Or he carries around a set of hemalurgic spikes and...appropriates what he needs wherever he goes. He could probably get himself a bit of every magic system in the Cosmere with less than a hundred unholy murders! (More if he wants to be extra strong in them)

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WoB has already confirmed that Hoid is a Feruchemist, or at the very least practices Feruchemy (which, knowing Brandon, is probably not the same thing in Hoid's case). What we don't know yet is whether or not Hoid is a full Feruchemist, or only a Ferring.


There's hints that he's not just a ferring, though it's not solid.

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I'm more fascinated by someone drawing this conclusion WITHOUT WoB. Your hunch in this case was correct, though we have no way of knowing if your evidence is also correct.

Atium alloys are said to have "assorted temporal powers." Perhaps Hoid is just an archivist tapping future memories.

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Atium alloys are said to have "assorted temporal powers." Perhaps Hoid is just an archivist tapping future memories.


minor nitpick, its actually "atium alloys have expanded mental and temporal abilities"  but that is reference on the allomancy chart.  I'm not sure it applies to feruchemy especially since that is sorted realmatically instead of the way allomancy is.

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