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Gaz's nervous tic


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I am listening to WOR again while at work and it was just mentioned twice about a nervous tic Gaz's has. He will glance to his side; the actual wording is "Occasionally, he would glance to the side, a kind of nervous tic." Just wondering is this has been discussed somewhere else as I can't find anything. I would have discounted it if it was mention just once, but so far it’s been twice in the same chapter.

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It is mentioned in WoK in his POV, that sometimes he feels like if there was something in the darkness.



Gaz had never gotten used to having just one eye. Could a man get used to that? He’d rather have lost a hand or a leg than that eye. He couldn’t stop feeling that something hid in that darkness he couldn’t see, but others could. What lurked there? Spren that would drain his soul from his body? The way a rat could empty an entire wineskin by chewing the corner?



Gaz continued to watch Kaladin’s crew. And still that darkness waited for him. Like an itch that couldn’t be scratched. Like a scream that couldn’t be silenced. A tingling numbness that he could never be rid of.
It would probably follow him even into death.
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Does anyone know the color of his other eye? We know some of the childen born of a darkeyes and a lighteyes can have one eye if each color. Losing his eye could also have been a loss of status.

Plus, in a universe were weird connections are commonplace (Shallan's brother being the shardbearer Kaladin killed, Tvlak lugging radiants around in the same wagon, Amaram being Dalinar's friend) then maybe he could be related to some important lighteyes.

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Awful puns incoming!


I don't see what Gaz is so worried about.  Maybe I can eyeball the problem with closer examination.  I'm sure we can patch up the issue.  I'm sure he must have been blindsided when he saw Kaladin in Kholinar.  We should buy him a new iphone with retina display.  Maybe he was scared of breaking the rules?  After all, minimum punishment is 10 eyelashes per offense.


I'm an awful human being/starfish, and should show myself out now.


But yeah, he's nervous because of his limited vision.

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Does anyone know the color of his other eye? We know some of the childen born of a darkeyes and a lighteyes can have one eye if each color. Losing his eye could also have been a loss of status.

Someone asked this to Brandon and nothing, Gaz isn't born with heterochromia iridium.

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