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Szeth and his new friend

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Spoilers for Wor

Can we talk for a moment just how scary nightblood and Szeth togethr is? I mean I always found nightblood kinda creepy, but I liked him because basher was able to keep him under wraps, like an adorable flesh eating monster on a chain. What we have seen is the equivalent of giving a gun to a emotionaly damaged teenager and pointed him at the nearest school with a list of what bullies have done to him over the years taped to the side. Finally nightblood has someone who will listen to him when he asks to kill people. THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT!

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Spoilers for Wor

Can we talk for a moment just how scary nightblood and Szeth together is? I mean I always found nightblood kinda creepy, but I liked him because basher was able to keep him under wraps, like an adorable flesh eating monster on a chain. What we have seen is the equivalent of giving a gun to a emotionally damaged teenager and pointed him at the nearest school with a list of what bullies have done to him over the years taped to the side. Finally nightblood has someone who will listen to him when he asks to kill people. THIS IS FREAKING ME OUT!

Wait you mean when Szeth is resurrected with the Nightblooded(?)(or Awakened?) Honorblade and it's first words are, ' Hello, want to kill some evil?'. Well at least it will be a force for good, seeing as Szeth wants to redeem himself and 'kill some evil', So it won't be so bad....

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Now all we need is a large enough amount of stormlight.

Yeah but the Honorblade is said to have a smoky, black trail (Nightblood), so will Stormlight really be needed?

P.S Szeth is a Skybreaker now, not a Windrunner. Sorry for double posting, thsi site is glitching and won't let me edit my last one.

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Szeth clearly has no Breath, as he is not Nalthian. So Nightblood would just in all likelihood consume his spiritweb as its power source, since it's the only thing in Szeth that is made of investiture. Szeth will die in seconds if he didn't infuse himself with stormlight.

Also, Szeth is probably only thinking of revenge at this point, and Nightblood still doesn't know what evil is and will simply kill everything he's swung at. I don't see any guarantee of them being a force of good.

It wasn't Nightblood that resurrected him, it was likely a regrowth fabrial.

Edited by natc
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The Stone Shamans sort of unleashed Szeth on the world, so I'm not going to be too torn up about them dying. If Szeth indeed kills them, anyways - I predict a redemption arc showing that the best Skybreakers have some mercy.

That would be a cool arc, but I'm not really sure it fits into the Skybreaker creed.  Nalan certainly doesn't show any, and he's presumably living the Skybreaker ideal.  We don't know what oaths the Skybreakers swear, so it's hard to say if showing mercy where the law demands justice would be a spren-losing thing or not.  But even if he lost his spren as a result (assuming he ever gets that far, at least), it would still be a neat idea.


Though come to think of it, it seems like the Szeth/Stone Shaman showdown is coming in the next book.  I'm not sure there's enough time for him to get his spren and oaths in order for that to be a possibility.  Not with the Stone Shamans, at least.

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There's implications that the Heralds aren't right in the head anymore though. Especially Nalan. He's not giving the law the respect you'd think he'd give, he's going around finding legal excuses to take out his victims, then pursuing them mercilessly once he has one. That's more exploitation than observance. As if the law is something he's working against.

Besides, the end justifying the means might not contradict Justice, but it does contradict the first ideal.

Then there's the potential candidate of Shallash destroying artwork of herself.

Edited by natc
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I think that Brandon is much too good of a writer to allow a Szeth/Nightblood rampage. He's discussed before how magic has to have consequences, like you can't just grow more and more powerful without bound, and if you do, there will be drawbacks.

If anything, I feel that Brandon put Szeth with Nightblood to explore what happens when one person with a tortured mind, yet a strong sense of morality, is put with a magic sword with pretty much a one-track mind. I feel that some serious character development is in the works.

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Is it horrible to say that this is kind of funny? Obviously not in real life! But just... Szeth is already so tortured, so disturbed and so dangerous and now he's together with a bloodthirsty magical sword and a probably crazy fallen hero. It's just hilariously horrible.



I think that Brandon is much too good of a writer to allow a Szeth/Nightblood rampage. He's discussed before how magic has to have consequences, like you can't just grow more and more powerful without bound, and if you do, there will be drawbacks.

If anything, I feel that Brandon put Szeth with Nightblood to explore what happens when one person with a tortured mind, yet a strong sense of morality, is put with a magic sword with pretty much a one-track mind. I feel that some serious character development is in the works.

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The Stone Shamans sort of unleashed Szeth on the world, so I'm not going to be too torn up about them dying. If Szeth indeed kills them, anyways - I predict a redemption arc showing that the best Skybreakers have some mercy.


I actually have a REALLY bad feeling about him killing the stone shamans.


If you remember wandersail, it was an allegory of Szeth's journey, where the people murdered others, found out that they were living a lie, and then committed even greater atrocities after discovering the lie.


Well, Szeeth committed murders because of a lie (him being truthless) and found out about the lie (Kaladin confirming the existence of the radiants).  However, he has not yet taken the next step in committing an even greater atrocity.  I have a sinking feeling that him killing the stone shamans is said atrocity.

Edited by Patrick Star
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I think Szeth's personal character arc is growing towards a redemption, actually, though this will likely take place after killing a good number of people. He is no longer truthless, and though he is definatley disturbed and tortured, he wants to be better. We see that all over his sections (his remorse, his tears and anger, and his despair that no one is able to kill him and end the killing). Nalan was right when he said that Szeth worshiped order, and now Szeth is free to determine that "order" by his own standards.


Though they are led by Nalan, I don't think these "Skybreakers" are actually radiants. This is evident by the fact that Shallan's brother--who we know was a member (or it is hinted at, anyway)--did not have living shards. His plate and blade were as dull and lifeless as any in modern Roshar. The evidence suggests that Nalan and the other Heralds have gone mad by abandoning their duty. Personally, I think that Szeth is going to spend time with these Skybreakers, doing what he is told by Nalan (the supposed highest authority in the world when it comes to justice) and come to realize that justice is not being served. In the end, I believe that Szeth is being set up to become the first true Skybreaker since the recreance. Likely this will involve his orders to slay his own people, and he will discard Nightblood when he attracts a Highspren (i read somewhere that Highspren are the unique type of spren that bonded to Skybreakers, like Honorspren for Windrunners). Perhaps Zahel will play some role in this arc of Szeth's story; I think he came to Roshar to retrieve Nightblood. 

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