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Hello everyone that reads this. It's good of you to do so. I have been a member of this site for... a few days *too lazy to open a tab and look at my join date*. I lurked for about a week and then joined here, TWG, and Dragonmount all under the same alias. I've been a fan of Brandon's for about 2 or 3 years, so relatively new. I've read all of his books except the Alcatraz series and I've loved them all. I'm just now beginning to grasp the concept of the Cosmere. My discovery of it is what prompted my initial lurky-ness (I plan to out-lurk Eerongal, though I doubt I'll outpost him).

I think it's also worth noting that I recognized Miyabi from a random forum viewing from years past and I knew for some reason that he was well-known. So your reputation precedes you, sir. Well done.

I give you all leave to ask me anything under the condition that I may or may not deny you an answer. :D

Glad I found this place!

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Well if you have cosmere questions, this is the place to ask them, for sure. TWG has a lot of... bizarre ideas sometimes, and I've stopped going there to correct them. So welcome to 17S, where we will be very snooty about us being more right than everyone else! Good for you to join us :P

And to out-lurk Eero, you'll have to outlurk me. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to out-post me.

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We'll see about that. :P

Hi, and welcome! It's good to have you here! If you need to know anything, please don't hesitate to ask. We don't bite, but we have been known to shanghai unsuspecting members before. And suspecting ones too, but that's beside the point. :P

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Welcome welcome! We're always happy to have another Sliver to add to our Shard (nyuk nyuk!). Don't be shy/timid; lurking's great, but don't be afraid to propose your own theories or to challenge the Great and Powerful Chaos (it's good for him)

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Welcome welcome! We're always happy to have another Sliver to add to our Shard (nyuk nyuk!). Don't be shy/timid; lurking's great, but don't be afraid to propose your own theories or to challenge the Great and Powerful Chaos (it's good for him)

Haha, thanks! Proud to be a Sliver or your Shard. This site tops any other forums I've seen by far. I love it. And I may not out-post Chaos, but I will find a decent challenge for him one of these days. :D Thanks for the welcomes. You guys are very on top of things around here and I appreciate that. You don't find that everywhere.

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Welcome welcome! We're always happy to have another Sliver to add to our Shard (nyuk nyuk!). Don't be shy/timid; lurking's great, but don't be afraid to propose your own theories or to challenge the Great and Powerful Chaos (it's good for him)

I agree. I gotta stay on top of my game, after all. (Though if it's a silly theory about Mistborn, I might freak out)

In all seriousness, critique my theories :P Some of them are dumb. Maybe I should repost my Mistborn 3 theories to prove it to everyone that I'm not all that smart.

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It's actually the other way around, it's the lurking you shouldn't even attempt, the posting is the reasonable goal.


I'm starting to believe it. The first few days were my highest traffic days, what with all the new excitement. HOWEVER, I stand by my claims and will see them through one day, if not so soon.

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Haha. And I'm glad that you didn't resist.

Also, since I couldn't think of any better place to ask this question, my intro thread seemed suitable. Is there any way to see which posts of your own have been up-voted? Like, I have 3 reputation and no idea how to go about finding the posts that earned that. Thanks!

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Haha. And I'm glad that you didn't resist.

Also, since I couldn't think of any better place to ask this question, my intro thread seemed suitable. Is there any way to see which posts of your own have been up-voted? Like, I have 3 reputation and no idea how to go about finding the posts that earned that. Thanks!

I've been wondering the same thing, Endra.

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Wait! What if it were possible to be notified of an upvote? Could that work? And then when you click the notification it would take you to the post? Hell if I know how that would work.

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