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If I had to rate my enjoyment of Sanderson's cosmere books so far, the Mistborn series is probably my #1 as it was the first of his I read. No matter what it is, people typically hold their first of anything in high regard.

Warbreaker is my favorite one-off (currently and I'm hoping for more than just a sequel) because of the magic system. There is something about Awakening, Breath, and the colors that resonated with me to quite a higher degree than the other magics I've read. Even Way of Kings (I know, most others find WoK to be his best and/or most unique. Even BS himself feels Roshar is his most unique.)

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If I had to rate my enjoyment of Sanderson's cosmere books so far, the Mistborn series is probably my #1 as it was the first of his I read. No matter what it is, people typically hold their first of anything in high regard.

Warbreaker is my favorite one-off (currently and I'm hoping for more than just a sequel) because of the magic system. There is something about Awakening, Breath, and the colors that resonated with me to quite a higher degree than the other magics I've read. Even Way of Kings (I know, most others find WoK to be his best and/or most unique. Even BS himself feels Roshar is his most unique.)


Well, Vasher, I urge you to continue loving it all. I usually rate it:


Mistborn - Just so epic! I frequently wonder about things that could be really cool about it. And I wonder about copper compounding. My first Sandersonian work.


Stormlight - So storming well-written! Also, other reasons I do not remember as of right now.


Elantris - Same as above, except for the curseword.


Warbreaker - Last only because I barely remember it. While I read the others many times, this one somehow got neglected. Will probably reread soon.



May I introduce you to the MBI site? It is our (the 17thshard's) official Mistborn RPG, set in 918FE (100 years before Mistborn). I am new there, but already have six characters and two houses in the works. You can find me there by the same name - Humanomusician. I love helping anyone with writing (or anything else), and open to conversing about almost anything.

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Were I about 6 years younger I would be more than glad to join in an RP. However I have been known to vanish for long periods of time for no particular reason, thus making a consistent RP very difficult for me. I, like many people claim Fate to be, am very fickle.

I definitely agree that Mistborn is an epic series. It's why I decided to read the rest of Sanderson's work. Warbreaker just sealed me as a fan. Elantris was my second Sanderson (outside of Scadrial), and while I definitely enjoyed it, to me it felt a little too familiar a fantasy world and magic system, save for the Dahkor and ChayShan.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice to meet you vasher! I also loved warbreaker because of the magic system as well. If I had to rate the books it would be as follows


1. Way of kings: Seems the most epic. The letter implies that Odium is the baddest dude out there.

2. Warbreaker: As I said loved the magic system and lightsong is one of my favorite characters though nightblood is pretty bad chull

3. Mistborn series including alloy of law: I read an interview which said that the next couple of books will be more sci-fi with spaceships and whatnot but with allomancy and such in place. That sounds pretty cool to me and also really good magic system.

4. Emperors soul: not as much fantasy but beautiful story

5. Elantris: I liked it but a few boring parts also magic system not as well explained


It is also worth reading Rithmatist and Steelheart but they are yound adult novels. Rithmatist has a cool magic system and steelheart was pretty dark for a young adult novel

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  • 2 weeks later...

3. Mistborn series including alloy of law: I read an interview which said that the next couple of books will be more sci-fi with spaceships and whatnot but with allomancy and such in place. That sounds pretty cool to me and also really good magic system.

Actually, not exactly. Sanderson is planning mistborn to be structured so:

Trilogy 1 (Mistborn/Vin)

(Wax and Wayne - filler novels. not from the original design)

Trilogy 2 (Tech reaches TV level, fifty years after WnW)

(probably another filler, like WnW)

Trilogy 3 (Hyperdrive spaceships)

So, it won't be the next couple of books, it will be in at least four (Shadows of Self (WnW 2)+ second trilogy) before interstellar travel.

Edited by Tal Spektor
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I know that. But he never mentioned the WnW series, either. I am just speculating, based on what I know of him. Besides, I have not counted them in in any way. I just said that there was a possibility. Do we know how many Wax and Wayne novels there will be, by the way?

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