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Alcatraz RP anyone?


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Hey, I'm wondering, if anyone would be interested in having fun with a Free-Form Role Play (like the Oregon RP) in the world of Alcatraz Smedry? I think this world has huge potential to spawn a funny and interesting story :)

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I'm not willing to devote the time, but this interests me far more than any of the other RP's on here! I'd never thought about it, but Alcatraz actually would work wonderfully. This is way more tempting to participate in the more I think about it.

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I would be intrested, but I have not read the 4th book. 


And I would have to reread them all, because I feel I don't remember that much ;) But still, if we can gather a couple of people, we would be able to start in few weeks :)

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I think it would depend on the number of players/writers. People with more experience in this matters would be most welcome. I have a general idea for the setting, but I guess it will be all discussed before we start :)

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Good :) My idea for the plot:

During excavations near some big city, normal Shushland workers discovered a Silimatic artifact. When they accidentally activated it, they disappeared and the still active artifact is now visible using Oculator Lenses no matter how far you are from it. It appears as a bright dot for every Oculator far away and a very bright flair for those closer.  Of course, Librarians are trying to lay their hands on it, but it appears, that the company that excavated it, is not just any ordinary Shushland organization and wont let them easily take it.


So we have a Smedry task force trying to get the artifact, Librarians trying to get the artifact and normal humans defending the artifact.


Does that sound plausible and interesting? Anyone else want to share ideas? Maybe someone else has better story we can turn into our RP :)

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Looks like we're going to have a lot of Smedrys :P 


I was planning on having two Smedrys, one oculator and the other not, but seeing that they are so popular, I'll pass on the not-oculator.


So the Smeadry I have in mind is Tenteron Smedry - a fine gentleman in his thirties, an oculator. His talent is missing things. It usually activates near doors causing him to more than occasionally bump into door frames etc. Other used: missing the bullet that someone shoots at him or when he's locked up behind bars, he sometimes can walk through them, just missing them in his way out... I think there are many more interesting uses for his talent to miss things.


Idea for some other Smedry:

A talent to doodle. Person having this talent is a compulsive doodler and the things he/she doodles appear in reality. This is a bit similar to Aydee's talent, as this talent does not create things out of nothing, it just replaces them from somewhere. So, if you doodle something that does not exist, it won't appear. However, do a small doodle of an ostrich while you are siting on a toilet and BAM! there is an ostrich in you privy :P

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