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This is me, existing!


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Hiya! I'm a huge Brandon fan and a huge WoT fan, as well. This is the first fansite I've ever registered on, but I do troll around reading the posts and blogs and yada yada. I'll try to post often, but I have kids and work and reading sucking up a lot of my time  ;)

Excited about the Wiki!  PLEASE keep me posted about it and lemme know if there's any way that I can assist.  I have zero programming experience and have never worked on a Wiki before, but can type and read dee een-gliss and enjoy research and organizing... probably a little too much  ;D

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  • 11 months later...

That's alright! I'm the Wiki admin, and I didn't know a thing about Wikitext until taking the job upon myself. There are a few handy guides floating around; I'll have to track them down and post them on the Coppermind board. As for ways you can assist, we welcome everyone to come on in and help in whatever ways they like. We still have lots of articles that need to be written, and of course I'm all for vigilant members correcting spelling and/or grammar errors as soon as they're spotted.

Anyways, welcome! I hope you enjoy it here!

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