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Hello, I'm Amazing


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Just kidding. :)

I am merely an avid fantasy fan whose favorite author happens to be Brandon Sanderson. I've been a lurker for some time now, and consider myself pretty 'in the loop' as far as the latest theorizing goes. But I figured it was time I actually registered and introduced myself!

I am a soon to be College student who hopes to be a published writer of Epic Fantasy, someday. I consider myself a fiction nerd, since most of what I spend my time thinking about, does not exist. Nikola Tesla is my hero, and if I could add one person to Mount Rushmore, it would be him.

And that's a few random facts about me! See you all, elsewhere!

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Hi Arrowlyn! Good for you to join in :) I look forward to seeing you around!


Yay, New meat!

*looks around nervously* Uh oh. :P

That is all.

(feel free to ignore me)

LOL! Thanks, but I'll try to pay SOME attention for you. On most forums you get in trouble for completely ignoring the Moderators... :D

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Hello, and welcome!

And actually, we don't shanghai people into becoming mods just because we get lonely. We just decide whether you want you to be one, and then bam, you are. Sometimes we ask beforehand, but decline too much and we'll shanghai you anyways. ^_~

Anyways, I'm KChan, and I do a little bit of everything around here. All my contact info is in my profile, so please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

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Hello, and welcome!

And actually, we don't shanghai people into becoming mods just because we get lonely. We just decide whether you want you to be one, and then bam, you are. Sometimes we ask beforehand, but decline too much and we'll shanghai you anyways. ^_~

Anyways, I'm KChan, and I do a little bit of everything around here. All my contact info is in my profile, so please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

So... not because you're lonely, but because you feel rejected? ;)

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Ooo... one more like that, and I'm going to mod you so fast your head will spin.

17th Shard, where promotions are punishment.

and here i'm used to video game admins kicking people out for modding!

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I laugh at the fact that since you didn't disable smileys in your own post, you changed them back in your own evil way. But if you had turned them back on for Leinton's post, he or I could have just re-disabled them. :P

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