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Storage of relationship

Minsk Ghoul

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It's said that feruchemist can store spiritual connection in duralumin. However spiritual connection is a variety of relationships between people: friendship, love, leadership and etc. Intent plays important rule in the feruchemy: feruchemist can store only one sense in his tinmind, so pretty obvious that he chose what sense to store. In the same way, feruchemist chose what to store in bendalloymind: satiety or hydration. So can feruchemist chose kind of relationship that he specifically want to store in his duraluminmind?

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Another thought: How does spiritual connection work in regards to specific people.


What I mean is, do they store or release spiritual connection for a specific person?


For instance, if I am hanging out with Fred, storing spiritual connection with him, can I use that connection later with a different person, or does it only work with Fred?


I guess I am getting to how spiritual connection actually works.  When you are storing it, are you storing your spiritual ability to connect with people, or are you storing a specific spiritual connection?


I personally think its the first, because you can only feruchemcially store things from yourself, and the nature of a connection implies to at least 1 other person than yourself.  How can you store something that isn't entirely yours?

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That sounds almost like rioting and/or soothing.

I doubt that is how it works.  You are describing attributes that are in the physical realm.  Duralamin ferrings store "spiritual" connection, and we don't really know that much about the spiritual realm.  But my doubts mean very little, I just like speculating :)


Here is a forum about this same subject: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/14926-duralumin-feruchemy/


Read what Moogle has to say

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Eh. The metals where you store subsets of attributes seem to be much rarer than the ones where you store an attribute in its entirety. We do have the precedent of tin and bendalloy and copper for the idea that duralumin stores individual aspects...


Wait... physical, mental, temporal. Enhancement. There's one metal per quadrant that feruchemically stores in the atypical fashion. Maybe duralumin actually does.


I would, however, be surprised.

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If you read the broadsheets found in Alloy of the Law, you will find a story about an adventurer who is currently with Koloss. He has a companion who is a Feruchemist and who uses his bendalloymind to form a connection with the Koloss to save the adventurer. As far as I know, this is the only evidence of it being used as of yet. There isn't a whole lot of information on how exactly it is used, but it seems that CognitivePulsePattern's analogy of "relationship weight" would be apt. You store the connection - no matter what kind, meaning that if you start storing all of you spiritual connection, your own mother wouldn't recognize you - and can use it to form a bond with anyone, or perhaps everyone around you. When tapping it, people just get the feeling that they know you and have a deep connection to you is what I would guess.

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I wonder if duraluminminds can store enough spiritual connection to the planet itself to revoke gravity . . .

Lashings are specialized in doing just that, but surely there's a system that can do it by loophole abuse out there . . .

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I thought I saw a WoB somewhere (quoted by someone on some other thread) that because Investiture manifests itself in different forms on different Shardworlds, Hoid uses some sort of magic (I thought it was Feruchemy) to allow his spirit web to connect with the specific world he's on. There is also the Feruchemical use of spiritual identity that is stored in Aluminum... could the conjunctive use of these two metalminds help him to do so?


And more related to this thread, could that be one of the uses of one's Duralumin metalmind? not just a spiritual connection with people but also with the Investiture of their world?

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