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A Quick Question About Mistings


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I'm still in the process of reading the series, so no spoilers, please! I was just going through the metals, thinking about the best/worst metal to be a misting with. Naturally, I eventually made it to gold, but I can't recall anyone saying if or if not someone could be a misting of a high metal. Sorry if this is answered later on in the book, but I don't have as much time to read as I'd like, making progress slow.

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Well my personal opinion is this. If you are looking for the best combat misting power then I would have to say that it is metal introduced in the first book. I can't tell you what it is for spoiler reasons, but there is a scene with a lot of these mistings at the end of the third book that clinched it for me.


As for non-combat mistings I would probably go with being a coinshot (steel), because with that one you can come the closest to flying you can get in this world, find metals around you, and you can shoot things at people who annoy you. 


Like I said that's just my opinion if you have any other ideas that's fine.

Edited by Moogle
When somebody says they're still reading and don't want spoilers, please don't even half-spoil things.
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Well my personal opinion is this. If you are looking for the best combat misting power then I would have to say that it is metal introduced in the first book. I can't tell you what it is for spoiler reasons, but there is a scene with a lot of these mistings at the end of the third book that clinched it for me.


As for non-combat mistings I would probably go with being a coinshot (steel), because with that one you can come the closest to flying you can get in this world, find metals around you, and you can shoot things at people who annoy you. 


Like I said that's just my opinion if you have any other ideas that's fine.

Not to nit-pick here (well, that's not true, nit-picking is exactly what I'm doing...) But how is a Steel Misting a "non-combat" Misting? I would argue that it is the most combat centric Misting ability outside of Pewter (an obviously the other [spoilerish] one). You could make a reasonable arguement that Lurchers (Iron Mistings) are a noncombat Misting but Coinshots...? Their name says it all. They turn coins into weapons...

Edited by Iron Eyes
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What I meant by non-combat mistings was that there use outside of combat. Of course coinshots are deadly and half of the reason why its bad to wear metal when fighting, but I think I would have a lot of fun with them outside of combat mostly due to the ability to push myself into the sky and "fly".

Edited by NathanielHellman
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I'm still in the process of reading the series, so no spoilers, please! I was just going through the metals, thinking about the best/worst metal to be a misting with. Naturally, I eventually made it to gold, but I can't recall anyone saying if or if not someone could be a misting of a high metal. Sorry if this is answered later on in the book, but I don't have as much time to read as I'd like, making progress slow.

Your question will be definitively answered through reading the trilogy. 


Simple yes/no answer to your question is spoilered below.

Yes, there can be a misting of a high metal.

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