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Would rock or another horneater becoming a stoneward make sense?

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It seems like there was quite a bit of detail in WoR of the Unkalaki people to suggest that they will become important in the near future. Could this mean a new character from the Horneater peaks? The Horneaters are very loyal, trustworthy, stubborn and good fighters  (depends on which son) as we can see by rock. All of the traits of the horn eaters seem to match the traits of the Stonewards. There is also the fact that the horn eaters are desperate for shards which is why they send their fighters against the Alethi's Shardbearers.  As we know the horn eaters have never won and it would be an interesting story if one of the Unkalaki actually won (and stonewards would fit because they are known to win against the impossible). This would also give an opportunity for further change in the princedoms and hired (not really) muscle for the Knights Radiant. Its obvious that the Knight's Radiant needs to recruit, and it would be interesting to add a Unkalaki. Plus a stoneward Horneater would be a friggin' beast!!


Any thoughts?

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There were some clues, that Eshonai will become a radiant (probably a willshaper) so the possibility is there for Parshendi or Part-Parshendi to become radiants. Based on Rock's mentality (and name), Stonewardens seem the apropriate order for them, but I think also the others are possible.

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The traits I have suggested are not just based on


We really shouldn't base our impressions of a culture on a single person. Just because someone is a horneater it doens't mean that person will be aligned with the same order as Rock seems to be predisposed to.

im not just basing them off of rock, most of them seem to be traits displayed by the horn eaters. And we know these traits by either Rock's story ('s?) of his people or references to them. But yes i agree some of these traits could be only rock's and while it would be cool if Rock became a stoneward, sanderson would have to do a little bit of background on rock and give us a reason why Rock would start fighting ( because stonewards definitely fight).

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