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Hello from Singapore


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A LONG time lurker in the forums but I have never really commented much on stuff. I thought I might as well start by introducing myself here. I live and work in Singapore as an engineer and I am (obviously) a big Sanderson and epic fantasy fan.


I think the first sanderson book i read was The Final Empire back when I was in university and immediately fell in love with the characters of Vin and Kelsier. Already pre-ordered Shadows of Self from Amazon and can't wait for it to arrive in October :D.

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Hello and welcome! Have you only read Cosmere related Sanderson book or others as well? Outside of Mistborn, what Sanderson books have you read?

Oh, I have read almost all of them except some of his short stories set in minor shard worlds :D. The order I read them was: Mistborn till allow of law, way of kings, Elantris, Words of Radiance and only in the end did I get to warbreaker.

Non cosmere books, I have only read the reckoners series. Love those like a ant loves its sugar cube? (failed try at bad metaphors :P)

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Hello fellow Singaporean! :P

Do you prefer the Alloy of Law setting or the Final Empire, out of curiosity?

Hello! :D. Well... Okay that's a difficult question. In terms of inventiveness, I was hooked to the final empire when I read the first line, "Ash fell from the sky." :D I mean who wouldn't want to read about a world where ash fell from the sky. That shows you that something was DEFINITELY wrong with the world. Alloy of law on the other hand felt more closer to earth than final empire, and it was less grimmer. But I liked finding connections between the names in the AoL setting to the first trilogy!

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It's always interesting to see where sanderfans pop up.

Well, the story goes like this. After I finished reading A dance with dragons, I googled books like game of thrones and I came upon someone's blog post that featured Mistborn in it. Once I read Final Empire, there was no stopping me :P. It's interesting to consider the impact of that post in the books I've read after that :D.

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