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OreSeur being paid with atium...


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So if I recall correctly, Kelsier passed OreSeur's services onto Vin.  Kelsier paid OreSeur beforehand with a (large?) amound of atium.


What, exactly, would OreSeur have done with the atium?  Was his goal just to collect as much as possible and bring it to the First Generation to protect from Ruin or something?  Could he have used it for personal usage?  IDK, I just reread the second book and realized that part.

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Okay. Ruin gradually loses power as it leaks into the world as atium. It becomes separate from the power he is actually able to utilize. In order to get that power back, Ruin needed to find the atium and metabolize it himself. The kandra collected as much atium as possible, to keep Ruin weak; both through contracts and the Lord Ruler's secret caravans. Once Elend and his army burned it all up, Ruin couldn't get at it, it was separate from him, so he'd have to wait for it all to leak back into the world again.

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Okay. Ruin gradually loses power as it leaks into the world as atium. It becomes separate from the power he is actually able to utilize. In order to get that power back, Ruin needed to find the atium and metabolize it himself. The kandra collected as much atium as possible, to keep Ruin weak; both through contracts and the Lord Ruler's secret caravans. Once Elend and his army burned it all up, Ruin couldn't get at it, it was separate from him, so he'd have to wait for it all to leak back into the world again.

This makes me wonder...If the Pits of Hathsin were producing very little Atium. At least I assume a low rate of formation based on a rate of one bead per prisoner per week with prisoners frequently being killed. Was that due to tLR storing the majority of it away so there was very little to precipitate back into the world? 


If that is the case, now that all of it was burned up, would it now precipitate out much faster? Is there a large stock of it available in the Wax's time then? Or is Harmony consuming it? Or is it not precipitating out because ruin isn't trapped by preservation anymore? 

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Immediately after the Final Ascension, Harmony destroyed both the Pits and the Well.


That being said, Brandon has hinted that Harmony is doing something with the extra bit of Ruin's power that is larger than Preservation, due to the little "spark" of extra investiture Preservation gave people. So, it is possible atium production has began again.


Here's a little more about the division of atium from the rest of Ruin's power.

The Pits of Hathsin were crafted by Preservation as a place to hide the chunk of Ruin's body that he had stolen away during the betrayal and imprisonment. Kelsier didn't truly destroy this place by shattering those crystals, for they would have regrown eventually—in a few hundred years—and continued to deposit atium, as the place was a natural outlet for Ruin's trapped power.

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Sazed isn't making any atium ATM, but that could easily change.


zchance (15 October 2008)

I'm surprised no one else has asked but does this new world have atium? If atium was the body of Ruin then it would seem when Sazed took up Ruin's power he would have reabsorbed all of the atium. New atium then would be bits of Sazed's new powers and weaken him with each newly formed bead. It would seem then that if atium exists it would be much rarer, and mean that Sazed would not be able to control this process.

I guess I am trying to understand why he would want to allow any atium to make its way into the hands of people or rather out of his control?

Brandon Sanderson (16 October 2008)

It's theoretically possible for atium to appear in the future, but right now Sazed has no plans to release any of it to the people. It is, effectively, now something of myth and legend.

Dalenthas (15 October 2008)

Does the Well of Ascension still exist in the new world? Or is it no longer necessary? I assumed that Preservation collected there like Ruin collects in the Pits of Hathsin, so if Atium keeps forming then the well should keep filling...

Brandon Sanderson (16 October 2008)

The Well (and the small wells in the Pits) is no more. For now at least.

Incidentally, the fact that sazed *can* make atium if he wants to probably says something about how his mingled shards work.
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To get the full story behind the use of atium to pay for contract with the Kandra, you need to read Hero of Ages.  Eventually, the entire story of Kandra history is revealed.


And atium production would not increase.  Why?  Because Kelsier destroyed the crystals that actually produce the atium in TFE. 


Advice:  If you're reading a series, it's best to read the whole series first.  Spoilers can ruin the experience of reading a book for the first time.

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To get the full story behind the use of atium to pay for contract with the Kandra, you need to read Hero of Ages.  Eventually, the entire story of Kandra history is revealed.


And atium production would not increase.  Why?  Because Kelsier destroyed the crystals that actually produce the atium in TFE. 


Advice:  If you're reading a series, it's best to read the whole series first.  Spoilers can ruin the experience of reading a book for the first time.


Swiftsteel has read them; he's currently on a reread as stated in his posts.


Also, as previously stated, Kelsier didn't actually destroy the pits, just set them way back. However, Sazed has destroyed them for good.

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