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Possible Hoid Error


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In the "Overview Box" in the wiki article for Hoid it lists Feruchemy as one of his abilities, yet this is absent from the  main abilities section.


As I'm not yet an expert on Hoid, I didn't know if the box listing was the error... I'd not heard anything about Hoid having Feruchemy elsewhere, but I also haven't read all the Cosmere books yet.

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In the "Overview Box" in the wiki article for Hoid it lists Feruchemy as one of his abilities, yet this is absent from the  main abilities section.


As I'm not yet an expert on Hoid, I didn't know if the box listing was the error... I'd not heard anything about Hoid having Feruchemy elsewhere, but I also haven't read all the Cosmere books yet.

It's from an interview with Brandon, I'm guessing it isn't in more detail because we don't really know what he does with it, how he got it, etc.

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Actually, it's in the Abilities section, with a citation :)

Limited foresight - Hoid knows where he needs to go and when he needs to be there. Feruchemy is somehow involved in this ability


That's the only other time Feruchemy is listed in the article, but it is totally cited!

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  • 1 year later...

Seems like the only feruchemical power that I could see doing that is being a Spinner. Using Chromium he could store fortune but as he does not appear to be very unlucky when we see him it is possible he is a twinborn (or even has all fereuchemical and allomantic powers).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, we have reason to believe that Hoid doesn't experience time in the same way as we do. I'm having trouble finding the quote, but the gist 


of it is that Hoid hasn't actually experienced his whole life up to this point. It's not from any of the books, but from a wiki, I believe. Instead of 


Feruchemy, could it be as simple as Hoid burning Gold through Allomancy? That would allow him to see what could have happened had he 


taken a different path. This knowledge of potential pasts and presents could possibly be the reason he always ends up exactly where he


needs to be.

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 Instead of 


Feruchemy, could it be as simple as Hoid burning Gold through Allomancy? That would allow him to see what could have happened had he 


taken a different path. This knowledge of potential pasts and presents could possibly be the reason he always ends up exactly where he


needs to be.

I just had a thought that may have been said before... But as far as I can recall, Brandon is going to make a Mistborn book in the future where they use allomancy to travel through space. Hoid was present at the shattering of Adonalsium. If preservation is a shard of that power and can see pretty far into the future, could the power have shown Hoid a method of travelling through time which is similar to this future Scadrian tech and/or have given him a way to see fractions of future events in order to place himself in those key events. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like the only feruchemical power that I could see doing that is being a Spinner. Using Chromium he could store fortune but as he does not appear to be very unlucky when we see him it is possible he is a twinborn (or even has all fereuchemical and allomantic powers).

We do know that he has or had a bead of lerasium. We dont know what he has done or will do with it.

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