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Mistborn gamebook?


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I liked the idea of the Mistborn RPG, but I don't really have anyone to play RPG's with. So I thought, how great would a gamebook be? You know, those "choose your own adventure" style, but the more complex ones that have character creation and dice rolling, like Fighting Fantasy. Making a Mistborn gamebook might seem like a colossal task, I mean what with all the stuff Allomancers and Feruchemists can do at any given time, and the nature of gamebooks which have limited number of options for actions you can take, but I think it could be done. At the very least, if offering readers the ability to have every combination of Twinborn or even just any Misting or Ferring would be too much, then it could have a more linear approach to character creation such as choosing from a select few pre-made characters. If even that proves to be too great of a challenge, then even having no choice and having to use the one character provided would be good. Bear in mind though that even if you get just one character with no choice you could still have some customization, such as allocating points between different stats; the only thing you won't have a choice in the matter is your Allomantic and/or Feruchemical abilties. What do you think?

Edited by kroen
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It's worth proposing to the team at Crafty, and you should! But I reckon they're pretty focused on the Alloy of Law supplement for the RPG, in addition to their other product lines, so even if that were to happen, it would be a while from now.


Writing new fiction in the Mistborn universe sans Brandon himself is tricky business, and there's not a lot of people willing to (or capable of) filling those shoes. Not to mention that the license is somewhat tangled now, with the game and the film and the future novels.


But who knows what the future holds? A solo adventure isn't even close to the craziest proposal out there. I'm personally a big fan of solo gamebooks, because I also grew up with an interest in games but very few opportunities to play. I'd like to see it happen!

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