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Elhokars Blade is Special


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I was reading WoR, and came to the illistration of Shardbearers. I looked at Elhokar's blade (sunraiser) and thought the shape looked familiar.


Then it hit me.


His blade is the exact same shape as the one going down the center of the Stormlight Archive Logo.


What does this mean?


Well, we know that his blade was originally held by the Parshendi. (p281, TWoK)


I also has ALL TEN of the radiant glyphs (slightly simplified) in the blade.


I'm not sure what to make of this.


But, when Honor Splintered, one of the pieces might have been larger than the others....


Ultra-powerful 10-Surge blade, anyone?




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The Blade Dalinar won on the Plains is not Elhokar's current Blade. Dalinar won a random set on Shards in the first year of the war and he gave to the king so the king could chose who to bestow them on. By that time, Dalinar had come to believe Shards should go the best warriors, instead of to your allies/sons/family. 


Elhokar's presumably has had Sunraiser for several years now. Has he not have had a Blade at the time of his father's death: surely he would have bonded Firestorm. It does not make sense for the king to not be a full shardbearer, especially when a set is available. 


I do not think there is anything special about his Blade. It has glyphs on it. Adolin's Blade is blue and it has crystals. Spren chose to embodied Blades, they must have chosen the details of their appearances. It could be their appearances was influenced by their former knight desires: one wanted to have the 10 glyphs on his, a frivolous Edgedancer wanted his blue so it could fit his Plate....

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What is this Stormlight Archive logo? There's nowhere on my book where it says Stormlight Archive and shows an actual Blade. The most I can find is one that has the stylized Windrunner Blade.


You can find it on the occasional beginning-of-chapter arch, I think. I recall it being there in quite a few spots, but I'm only like 60% sure on that. Edit: Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of the Double Eye of the Almighty. Ignore this.


You can find an actual image here: http://store.brandonsanderson.com/stormlight-archive-symbol-decal/

Edited by Moogle
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We know some of them have glyphs.  Both Pattern and Syl manifest as glyphed blades.  If some of the ones with glyphs have all ten (particularly Syl, who was a pre-recreance Nahel spren), then it doesn't seem that significant.  If that blade uniquely has all ten glyphs, then it could be significant. 

Would a bondsmith blade uniquely have all ten symbols?  That order seems like the behind the scenes heart of the Knights.  But what spren do bondsmiths bond?  More questions than answers here. 

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The Blade Dalinar won on the Plains is not Elhokar's current Blade. Dalinar won a random set on Shards in the first year of the war and he gave to the king so the king could chose who to bestow them on. By that time, Dalinar had come to believe Shards should go the best warriors, instead of to your allies/sons/family. 


Elhokar's presumably has had Sunraiser for several years now. Has he not have had a Blade at the time of his father's death: surely he would have bonded Firestorm. It does not make sense for the king to not be a full shardbearer, especially when a set is available. 


I do not think there is anything special about his Blade. It has glyphs on it. Adolin's Blade is blue and it has crystals. Spren chose to embodied Blades, they must have chosen the details of their appearances. It could be their appearances was influenced by their former knight desires: one wanted to have the 10 glyphs on his, a frivolous Edgedancer wanted his blue so it could fit his Plate....




well, mabye it will turn out to be nothing, but if its special, i get to say "i told you so"

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