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The Final Frontier - - Star Trek Rp (Planning)


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T h e F i n a l F r o n t i e r

I've seen some Trekkies, posted about some interest in this, and decided to finally put up the thread.

Before I begin, let me give some backstory on this plot. A group of friends and I decided to make a Trek rp on the Warriors forums.. goodness. Two years ago. It was so much fun. But sadly, I did something stupid and got myself banned from the site. (But that's another story. If you want to hear it, pm me.) In any case, I got a new account and we tried to restart it, but it never really got back up. So I'm putting this here. Ya. Because this was a fun plot.

The plot here is simple. It'll be similar to Voyager. Our crew gets transported into another galaxy, no way to get home. What happens on the journey is.. well.. up to us. So feel free to suggest plots we can do for our crew. You can make up planets, species, just have fun. I enjoy the transported and trapped major plots like Voyager because of how creative we can be.

We could also add a Cosmere twist, if you like. Send them to the Shardworlds. Meet Hoid. Get eaten by a Chasmfiend. #justcosmerethings.

We'll only be using ocs here, too. Edited by LarkoftheRiver
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An epic space opera RP, centered in a distant galaxy where the creation of new alien species is encouraged? An opportunity to play as one of the million extraterrestrial concepts rolling around in my head?


Once again, I'm torn between realizing I realistically don't have enough time for this, and wanting desperately to be a part of it. :mellow:

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You know you want to -holds out jar of jelly beans-

But in all seriousness, though, I'm not a huge stickler for activity so you can come and go as you wish.



Maybe I could help flesh out the galaxy with a few stock species for people to use? Since this galaxy obviously won't have Klingons or Cardassians, it might be useful to have a few other races to appear as NPCs. You could use them as mercenaries, or fight them in barroom brawls, or what have you.

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Of course.

I'm thinking for the topics we can have.. this planning one for plots, a sort of datacore thing (for characters/species/planets?), then the rping page?


Sounds good to me. They would be roughly analogous to the Question, What Happened in.., and Epics of Oregon threads we use in the Reckoners RPG, and that system works well for us.

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Cool. Shall we presume that there are no humanoid races in this new galaxy? In Star Trek lore the reason for species as similar to one another as the humans, Klingons, and Bajorans was because a humanoid race once seeded the whole galaxy with life, hoping species like themselves would one day evolve on those worlds.


Assuming that those humanoids never came to the galaxy this RP takes place in, can we thus speculate that the only native species in this part of space are organisms that are extremely different from humanity? Giant sapient spiders, civilized songbirds, superintelligent shark-creatures, etc?

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Cool. Shall we presume that there are no humanoid races in this new galaxy? In Star Trek lore the reason for species as similar to one another as the humans, Klingons, and Bajorans was because a humanoid race once seeded the whole galaxy with life, hoping species like themselves would one day evolve on those worlds.


Assuming that those humanoids never came to the galaxy this RP takes place in, can we thus speculate that the only native species in this part of space are organisms that are extremely different from humanity? Giant sapient spiders, civilized songbirds, superintelligent shark-creatures, etc?

The return of the sentient crocodiles?

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If you want, we totally could. I think that makes sense. I wouldn't say no humanoids, but less. There might still be a humanoid species that walks on two legs, but it doesn't have to look anything else like a human, I think. (For me, humanoid is a very rough term that basically encompasses anything that's bipedal.)

I was not here for the crocodiles

But like any normal person, i am scared.

Edited by LarkoftheRiver
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The return of the sentient crocodiles?


Maaaaybe. :ph34r:



If you want, we totally could. I think that makes sense. I wouldn't say no humanoids, but less. There might still be a humanoid species that walks on two legs, but it doesn't have to look anything else like a human, I think. (For me, humanoid is a very rough term that basically encompasses anything that's bipedal.)


Oh, most definitely. The bipedal form is a highly useful and ingenious design that we probably share with millions, if not billions, of other sapient races.


What I specifically refer to are the kinds of alien races Star Trek is infamous for. Races that are the spitting image of humanity, save for a tiny dab of makeup on the cheek, pointy ears, or a wrinkled forehead.

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Yes. One of my characters is actually going to be my android oc.



What about the Ravager, an ancient AI residing in a ship crafted of the finest neutronium-metal, waiting for the day when it detects evidence of a Type IX or above civilization and can finally shift into Annihilation mode?




Not that I have any reason for asking that question, of course. :P

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I like that. Yes. Feel free to do that. First plot, maybe?



I'd feel weary about doing that exactly--the Ravager was a creation someone made on an old wiki I frequented--but I think a highly advanced, coldly automated killing machine would be the perfect thing to kick off some action. :ph34r:

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Hm. Maybe change the name/design? I mean AIs trying to kill people is hardly a new concept.

I'm envisioning something called a Poisoner, a machine created by an intensely xenophobic civilization for the purpose of wiping out intelligent races and rendering planets uninhabitable with an array of cobalt-salted nuclear bombs. That ought to catch the attention of player characters pretty quickly, right? :ph34r:

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I'm envisioning something called a Poisoner, a machine created by an intensely xenophobic civilization for the purpose of wiping out intelligent races and rendering planets uninhabitable with an array of cobalt-salted nuclear bombs. That ought to catch the attention of player characters pretty quickly, right? :ph34r:

 Yess. That is great. I love it. 

I'm in. Is this free form?

what do you mean by free form? I'm not going to have you guys fill out a form with character information but it would be nice to have for the character page.
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