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What is the "Rock" Hoid was named after? (Way of Kings)


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In Way of Kings, Wit/Hoid tells Kaladin that he was once named after a "Rock".


Is the "Rock" the bead of Lerasium he took from the well of ascension?

Is the Rock some other metal, or an oathstone?

Is the Rock a stick?


Wit also tells Kaladin that he began life as "Words on a page". Is he referencing Brandon writing him, or is he talking about something within the Cosmere?


Post your ideas below!

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I believe Hoid is of artificial origin. Two times it is implied there is something deeply "wrong" about him, once when Vin decides to not speak with him because of a sudden feeling of dread, and latter with Shallan feeling afraid of him at first.

Then,when he speaks to Kaladin he says he began life as an idea, and latter says fleet is as real as he is. Since enogh investiture can make anything sentient under the right circunstances I suspect that Hoid was somehow created from pure investiture in solid form. He is the "rock".

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Most likely topaz, which seems to be the name Hoid uses in Dragonsteel. Not having read it, I can't say for sure. It was, however, pretty apparent Hoid wrote the letter in WoK, so this WoB is heavy evidence that the questioner believes Hoid is Topaz.

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well, we know he was around at the same time as the shattering, and we know adonalsium has an opposite, was there a third powerful being that created hoid? I very highly doubt that he was made by adonalsiums opposite,

IF my theory is correct, and it most likely isn't (BTW, anyone ever asked if hoid is or holds a splinter?), then I presume he wasn't created by a god, but by a extremely acomplished magic user, who perhaps was named Hoid. Also, by what I have heard about Brandon's unpublished works set on Yolen that may or may not be true

Hoid, who was a human lightweaver who had taken the name of his master, could create sentient illusions. I propose he changed the story, and the Hoid we all know is a sentient investiture construct created by a man called Hoid

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Dragonsteel Prime

makes it clear Topaz is Hoid.

Some people have reviewed the book on Goodreads (as is their right, I should say, it being public), so if you want to go ahead and spoil yourself the fun, you know where to go.

The freely available sample chapters of the to-be-rewritten Liar of Partinel also give some information about Hoid's origins.

It was originally the name of a (Lightweaver and storyteller) master of his,

as stated by the second letter in TSA.

Why Wit tells Kaladin he began as words on a page.. I don't know. There are WOB that indicate Brandon does not want to break the fourth wall. I've read a joke theory that Hoid is a "thinking illusion" created (by the mortal Hoid the 2nd) via Yolen Lightweaving. The truth is likely more complicated, but...

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I sincerely doubt that Hoid is not a human.

If any of you are interested, though this has probably been discussed before, here is a link to the first 6 six chapters of The Liar of Partinel. It takes place on Yolen and shows Hoid when he was young. It is going to be rewritten someday, but we can speculate off of that if you want. Be forewarned Midius is the one we know as Hoid. The person who is called Hoid in there is not the Hoid that we know. Make sense?


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