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Hello. I am the Fablesmith.

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It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of your community. I've never done anything like this before, but I have such admiration for Brandon and his work that I have found myself surfing through the forums. You guys are amazing. Such detailed theories, such depth! I aspire to one day write epic fantasy, and it's communities like this that make it all worth the work and hair pulling.

After a few weeks of being a guest on here, itching to give my own two-cent perspectives I decided to give in a create an account. I'm currently working on some Realmatic theory, as I believe I found the fodder Brandon has been pulling from to create his three-tier realm. More on that later.

Again. Thank you for creating and being a part of such an excellent community and, as Lift would say, stay awesome!


I'd hate to create a whole thread just to introduce myself so: it would be great if you guys wanted to say hello by telling me about your favorite theories! It doesn't even necessarily have to involve the books. Crazy stuff that's stuck out to you in your own experiences. Be it literature, quantum mechanics, or life. I'm a philosopher and love some good ole' speculative rambling. Have a glass of port and ramble away! (Copy and pasting is most allowable)



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Welcome Fablesmith! 


I'm not one of the users that comes up with clever quips or mind-boggling theories, but I wish to extend a warm greeting to you. Do I have the privilege of encountering a Lighteyes or a Darkeyes? Either way.... have an upvote!!! 


See you in the forums! 

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Tetriona! (cool name) I find myself happier to receive a warm welcome than any clever quip :D

I am neither! I have clockwork eyes. ;)

Thanks! My brother made it up. 

Clockwork eyes, huh? Congratulations! You are the first one here to have...those......I think.... :huh:

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Hi Clockeyes! My favorite Sanderson-related theories that were NOT made by me include the following:

There are others I'm forgetting, I'm sure, so I might update this later. I'm also rather fond of my own theories (linked in my sig below).

As for "real life" theories, I like string theories in general (though not necessarily the supersymmetry involved in some of them), as well as the Distributist economic theory, and the theory that the fundamental circle constant is the ratio of the circle to its radius (not its diameter).

Edited by skaa
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It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of your community. I've never done anything like this before, but I have such admiration for Brandon and his work that I have found myself surfing through the forums. 



Welcome! Nice name! I just recently joined after finishing the Stormlight Books and found myself browsing the forums in search of further clarity and discovery as I am forced to wait for the next book. This is my first time joining a site like this and I must say it has been very fulfilling (if not also very time consuming) thus far!


Have an upvote and hope to see you around! Cheers! 

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