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Hey everyone, I have been following Brandon for years, since 07 at least. So I guess not too long but long enough. I have read almost all of his books. Just finishing up the last of the Alcatraz ones and a couple of short stories that I haven't gotten a hold of yet but lets just say that I am a fanatic. haha. I probably check his site every day to see if there is any new info up and mostly to see how far along his writing bars have gotten. 55% for WoK 2 :D. Got my wife addicted to him too. In the past year she has listened to me read the books or to the books on CD. I usually get both. Also got most of her family and mine reading all of his stuff. There is never too much that we can read from Brandon.


Just curious though. Does he ever get on here and post under a pseudonym or something just to shake things up? that would be cool.


If you're going to respond please leave 3 books for me to read.


the last one you read

the one you want to read next

and your favorite book of all time


please don't leave any Brandon books as I have them all already other authors would be appreciated. 


Thanks guys

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Last book: Well i'm working on Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn, but before that was Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn (decided to give an urban fantasy a try on the recommendation of a friend but was only so so)

Next book: I've had several people recommend the Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, so I think that may be next, or possibly Pratchet's Going Postal

Favorite book: Way of Kings is kinda way out in front, but if I must choose a non-Sanderson book I would probably go with All the Weyr's of Pern (Anne Mcaffrey, kinda the climax of Dragonriders of Pern) or Eye of the World (Robert Jordan, I don't think I can pin down one book in Wheel of time that is a favorite, they kind of blend together for me)

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Welcome to you! To answer your question, he does post here, under his own name (so does Peter Ahlstrom).


Last book read: Adrian Tachikovsky, Salute the Dark

Book to read next: Steven Hall, The Raw Shark Texts.

Favourite book: I doubt I could ever choose an all-time favourite, but for an excellent read: Neil Gaiman, American Gods.

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the last one you read



Michael Stackpole: Of Limited Loyality 




the one you want to read next

I "want" to read: SA2 :)


I'll read: Towers of Midnight, RJ + BS 



and your favorite book of all time


At the moment definitely: The Way of Kings, BS 

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Hello there chorikami and welcome aboard. Spreading the indoctrination of BrandonSandernism is a great way to start your stay here :D.


last read: Libriomancer, Jim C Hines. Very enjoyable.

want: more Brandon, next Quantum Thief book, anything and everything

favourite: I would have said WoT, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have last time through. I don't really hold to a single book/series/author, there's just so much good stuff, and quite a bit of great things, and every now and then something magically amazing. I'm gonna push Hannu Rajaniemi a bit more, since I really enjoyed Quantum Thief and Fractal Prince. Mindblowing

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