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Hey guys, I thought I'd make a general topic for people needing help finding a quote on a particular subject. I'm sure for many theories, you may search the interview database, but you just can't find it.

I'm not entirely being altruistic, because I can't find a particular quote, and after all day of trawling through the interview database (I'm rewriting the cosmere article, so it wasn't just for this, but I did need to find... oh, about sixty references...), I'm a bit over it :P Windrunner and Weiry are pretty sure this is a fact.

Namely, I am pretty sure there was some reference to magics being different on Sel after Devotion and Dominion's Splintering. Have I gone crazy, or does this seem familiar to any of you, too?

If you can help, I would really appreciate it!

And, if for any of your theories (or wiki articles) you need help on quotes, let's all work together! I'm sure it will go faster that way :)

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There's this: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2622-elantrians-as-shardholders/


From that thread: At the recent Idaho Falls book signing I asked Brandon if there was any difference between the magic that exists in Elantris and The Emperors Soul and the magic that existed before the shards on Sel were splintered. He said that "The things that they do in those books, couldn't have been done pre-splintering. They could do different things back then but not what is in the books."

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There's also another one suggesting pre-Shattering magic.



Q: Before Sel's Shards were Splintered, were the Investitures there still form-based?

A: Umm... yes.
Q: Is "form-based" the right word we should use?
A: No. It's not really. The are all programming-based. But of course, with true programming, the form doesn't matter, it's the numbers. And in this case the form does
Edited by Kurkistan
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There's this: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/2622-elantrians-as-shardholders/


From that thread: At the recent Idaho Falls book signing I asked Brandon if there was any difference between the magic that exists in Elantris and The Emperors Soul and the magic that existed before the shards on Sel were splintered. He said that "The things that they do in those books, couldn't have been done pre-splintering. They could do different things back then but not what is in the books."

Yes!! That is exactly what I was looking for. I'm surprised it was so long ago that this happened, no wonder I couldn't find it in my trawling.

Kurkistan, I found that one, but it didn't get right to the heart of the issue like the other.

I really appreciate the help, gwslow, and everyone. If you need quote searching, I'll do my best to help!

EDIT: Moogle, I'll upvote it on one of my alt accounts. In the new IPS version, we'll be able to reverse that... finally.

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I just want to know if someone's commented on this before (or even better, if Brandon has), but it's unlikely. In the Words of Radiance Cover flap, it reads as follows.


The Windrunner, lost in a shattered land, balanced upon the boundary between vengeance and honor. The Lightweaver, slowly being consumed by her past, searching for the lie that she must become. The Bondsmith, born in blood and death, striving to rebuild what was destroyed. The Explorer, straddling the fates of two peoples, forced to choose between slow death and a terrible betrayal of all she believes.

It is past time for them to awaken, for the Everstorm looms.

And the Assassin has arrived.



The Windrunner = Kaladin

The Lightweaver = Shallan

The Assassin = Szeth

The Bondsmith =

Dalinar (though I'm surprised that they put it on the cover flap).

The Explorer (according to the Coppermind) = Eshonai

Okay. Windrunner, Lightweaver and Bondsmith are all Knights Radiants order's, and the Assassin is a title that has been mentioned as being Szeth, but Eshonai didn't seem to be an Explorer. A Warrior maybe. A Parshendi/ Voidbringer? Yes. But an explorer?

But what if it weren't a title for her specifically? What if it were a Voidbringer equivalent for the Knights Radiant?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, is there a theory post about this already, or can I claim it as mine. The closest thing I could find was Tempus's hilarious Knight's Absorbent post, but I am sure there's been a lot more discussion about Voidbringer Knight Radiants that I haven't seen.

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Eshonai refers to herself as an Explorer in her sections. It's why she was where she was when she met Gavilar and why the Parshendi had maps good enough to move onto the Shattered Plains.

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For example:

WoR, "Last Legion", p199 eBook

She took a deep breath, coming to a decision that had been working its way through the back of her mind. The decision of an explorer. She glanced at the sack of maps she’d set on the floor beside her.

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