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Delurking to say hello.

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Hi, I've been reading on the forum for a little while but thought the time had come to let you all know I exist!!


I hadn't even heard of Brandon Sanderson ( :ph34r: ) until last October when I asked on a few sites about recommendations for Christmas books for my twelve year old son. Mistborn was one of the recommendations. Alas, we didn't buy him it (although he did enjoy the books we did select for him) but I told my husband that, never mind a 12 year old, wanted to read them and, on Christmas morning, Santa brought me the trilogy. Hurray! Which I'd read before New Years Eve - I'm not one for delayed gratification with books I love. Got hold of Alloy of Law not long afterwards and have read it twice (which is how I came across the forum as I was looking for what else Sanderson had written) although I haven't been able to reclaim any of the MB books from said 12 year old who is nearly as obsessed as me!


My lovely husband, (the real life one, not my username one!) who knows me well, bought me WoK and WoR for my fortieth birthday at the start of the month and it's the only time I've cursed how quickly I read as I'd finished all four volumes inside of the week. I was especially gutted when I realised there won't be another one for at least 18 months so I'm consoling myself by re-reading them (and have read Warbreaker in the meantime). My head is now boggling with Cosmere theories and this forum is entirely responsible for the fact that I'm am grading English papers and am completely behind with meeting deadlines because I keep getting distracted by magic and cosmere and worldhopping and all sorts of things like that.


Nice to 'meet' you all.

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Welcome to 17th Shard!


Please excuse the terrible thing to follow:

May you, with your Endowment, and in your Devotion, be a person of Honor in this Dominion, who shall not fall to Ruin, and instead be a person who shall survive through Preservation, having enough familiarity with Cultivation to not have feelings of Odium.


Enjoy your time here, Stormblessed :)

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Welcome to 17th Shard!


Please excuse the terrible thing to follow:

May you, with your Endowment, and in your Devotion, be a person of Honor in this Dominion, who shall not fall to Ruin, and instead be a person who shall survive through Preservation, having enough familiarity with Cultivation to not have feelings of Odium.


Enjoy your time here, Stormblessed :)

The bad puns... oh god, my eyes... my eyes!


Upvoted anyway.

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Welcome! It's amazing how Brandon's books can appeal to people of all ages; I haven't read his YA books, but I think a twelve year old would get just as much enjoyment out of them as a forty year old as... well, anything in between or beyond. He's an awesome author.


Anyway, like I said, welcome, and don't worry about grading papers; you could always pull a Tolkien, scribble some scraps of realmantic theory on the back of one and hti a breakthrough or something.

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You should check out our puns thread Varyn, it's around somewhere :P

Anyways, welcome to the 17th Shard, home to ponies, crazy people, theorists and more!
Care for a welcome-to-the-forum cookie?

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You should check out our puns thread Varyn, it's around somewhere :P

Anyways, welcome to the 17th Shard, home to ponies, crazy people, theorists and more!

Care for a welcome-to-the-forum cookie?

I'll check it out now. *Here goes*.

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Welcome to 17th Shard!


Please excuse the terrible thing to follow:

May you, with your Endowment, and in your Devotion, be a person of Honor in this Dominion, who shall not fall to Ruin, and instead be a person who shall survive through Preservation, having enough familiarity with Cultivation to not have feelings of Odium.


Enjoy your time here, Stormblessed :)



My goodness - that's a lovely welcome, thank you. No pressure then! A-don(alsium) know if I can live up to that!


Welcome! It's amazing how Brandon's books can appeal to people of all ages; I haven't read his YA books, but I think a twelve year old would get just as much enjoyment out of them as a forty year old as... well, anything in between or beyond. He's an awesome author.


Anyway, like I said, welcome, and don't worry about grading papers; you could always pull a Tolkien, scribble some scraps of realmantic theory on the back of one and hti a breakthrough or something.


I agree - there's so much to enjoy about the plots and the pace but there's so much more going on in the background. I'm an English graduate so I like things going on in the background that I can mull over! I could do a Tolkien but it would need to be with less songs. No book, no matter how great, needs so many declarations of poetry!


You should check out our puns thread Varyn, it's around somewhere :P

Anyways, welcome to the 17th Shard, home to ponies, crazy people, theorists and more!

Care for a welcome-to-the-forum cookie?


Thank you (I think - I have heard things about the cookies buy hey what's the worst that could happen ..... *suddenly starts seeing blue lines everywhere*)

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