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Atium/Lerasium Alloys


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We don't know much about Atium and Lerasium. Theory states that if someone who is already Mistborn burns Lerasium, it will have a different effect. Also, there are supposed to be unknown alloys of both metals that may, in theory, work for a Mistborn, like Malatium.


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There's plenty of speculation but without further WoB we don't have much to go on, just to clarify though were most Mistborn to burn Lerasium it would just make them a stronger Mistborn, there's implied to be some trick to using it differently.

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I wonder if you made an alloy of Atium and Lerasium if it would instead give you Feruchemy.


I thought I heard Brandon say one time that Lerasium if mixed with a different metal would make them a misting of that metal but that could have just been a theory I read once.


I thought the concept was that the solid form of a investiture was fixed in place where the liquid and gas states were in greater flux and can be used for anything withing the system. Being that Lerasium and Atium were both made by preservation using different powers. If I remember from that signing preservation created Lerasium specifically to create Mistborn and that harmony changed Atium after he repaired the planet.


The pool of preservation's power was supposed to alter the person so they could accept the full power of preservation existing as the mist, while even the smallest hemlergic spike interfered with that. 

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It has been said that and alloy of Larasium with any of the sixteen Allomantic metals when burned gives you the ability to burn the metal. (I'm not clear on whether this is a theory or a WoB) Personally, I think that makes sense. As far as this goes, that would mean that a Larasium-Atium alloy would grant the burner the ability to burn Atium. 


As far as a God metal that grants Feruchemy, I have somewhat assumed either Sazedium or Harmonium would do that. However, Sazed said that both of them could be made into alloys with the existing Allomantic/Feruchemical/Hemalurgic metals to create sixteen new alloy each with their own properties as far as using them goes.

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Here's WoB confirming that Lerasium alloys would create Mistings: http://twg.17thshard.com/index.php?topic=6655.msg129108#msg129108

Also, WoB saying there are nearly 50 allomantic metals: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/1256-the-ten-core-shardworlds/

And WoB slightly contradictory suggesting Lerasium and Atium have more than 16 alloys each(!) http://www.17thshard.com/news/events/interviews/transcriptofourfirstinterview


So... 16 base metals + Atium and Lerasium + (potentially more than) 16 Lerasium alloys + (potentially more than) 16 Atium alloys + a potential metal/natural manifestation of Harmony and its potential alloys


I lean towards believing Harmony's manifestation (if it exists) will be either an alloy of Lerasium and Atium with no further alloy, or another natural phenomenon like how the mists were Preservation's body. Which would leave for a lot of fun stuff to write with Atium alloys, so I'm guessing the next Mistborn trilogy WILL feature Atium somehow... Perhaps the key to reach Shadesmar lies in an alloy of Atium.


Here are WoB regarding the tricks for using Lerasium other than eating it or making alloys:

https://twitter.com/BrandSanderson/status/294210314591952896- Lerasium implied to grant access to various magic systems

http://www.17thshard.com/news/events/interviews/transcriptofourfirstinterview- (search "lerasium") Lerasium confirmed to have other uses and to strengthen Mistborn if they were to burn it

http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1012- (7) Lerasium has feruchemical and hemalurgical uses

http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/7234-sugarhouse-signing-saturday-mar-29th/page-2#entry120595- Hoid implied to use Lerasium for different purposes than burning it and becoming an Allomancer. In The Letter, Hoid is implied to keep the Lerasium in his body like the Lord Ruler did other metals. My guess is that, through some form of feruchemy, Hoid can rewrite his spiritual DNA and do cool things like grant him powers from any magic system.

Edited by yurisses
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I don't know... Sazed feels like the sort of person who would create an entirely knew metal, if only so he could watch people study it and figure out what they can do with it.


And so, ever few decades or centuries, Harmony makes a brand new metal so he can enjoy watching people test them and find the limits of their abilities.


This suddenly feels like I made Sazed out to be someone who plays with the lives of lesser beings. Which doesn't fit. It does not fit him at all.

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It's kind of lame to do that with no mistborn, and there's no evidence of the previous shards ever "creating" new elements. So you just have this chunk of likely radioactive stuff.


Depends on if you count lerasium as a new element because it was created specifically to create Mistborn. Atium was created by preservation as well to steal power from ruin. Both new as far as I can tell. 

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It would imply it is possible to synthesize the god metals if the difference is simply nuclear. The difference between normal and god metal probably lies in a different realm than physical, at which point it would be impossible to decipher their nuclear structure without just asking Sanderson and there would be no reason for them not to just be a mundane element heavily modified.

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So I can just fiddle with nuclear fission/fusion enough and I can just become mistborn by swallowing the results even without contact with Preservation or his investiture once. Or even realizing he exists and just downing it by dumb luck.

That's just awkward to contemplate.

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Sure just build that particle accelerator and get on it.

Though you would need to at least know what your trying to make I'm sure to help the cognitive aspect. All investiture is basically the same And is everywhere.

Edited by Arook
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Here's the quote on that. :)


Hah. So in Cosmere, does physics work the same way in the physical realm as it does in our world? Specifically, particle physics; and are atoms made up of protons and neutrons and electrons, and is light photons, etc?




So what's at the core of an atom of Atium? Ate-teum? Also how do you pronounce it? At-teum?


Yes. And the matter is just normal matter, but it's wrapped in the spiritual. The Spiritual DNA [or something] is what makes it magical.


(Note: he might've said slightly more about this but I didn't write it down and I don't remember. Sorry for not bringing a tape recorder :(/> )



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So you would need a spiritual particle accelerator too?


"The subjects Soul was spun in a Centrifuge for 30 minutes at 10,000rpm. Ingesting the resulting Ectoplasm has given me the ability to Burn Sodium Hydroxide.

I have not yet figured out what Burning this compound does"

*3 hours later*

"Entry 2. Apparently, Burning Sodium Hydroxide for a prolonged time has the effect of making my hair grow at an extremely accelerated rate. I am now trapped in my lab as I cannot find the door because my entire lab is filled with my own hair. If anyone receives this message, please send barbers"

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So you would need a spiritual particle accelerator too?


Don't be silly lerasium would automatically be of preservation by default

Then as long as it is physically lerasium it is preservation's body even if it was made out of someone else?

Time to slam together a stormspren using breaths in that accelerator.

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Then as long as it is physically lerasium it is preservation's body even if it was made out of someone else?

Time to slam together a stormspren using breaths in that accelerator.


Well the two are basically the same thing,  ruin and preservation do have the same origin so its not totally impossible.

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