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Silus - Shard of Flame

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Can I still create forms, or do I just have to stick to the already created forms?

@Emeralis00: Can I use the Catek in your signature in mine? I really like it and I also Like cats, so I was wondering if I you would let me use it?

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Can I still create forms, or do I just have to stick to the already created forms?

You can make as many Forms as you want, so long as you stick to the five-Form rule: Up to five evolutions worth of Spheres. Ex: One Sphere that has evolved four times (Basic->1->2->3->4), or five Basic Spheres.

What I'll try to do is look at the Forms you make and see where they fit in the magic system. If it seems like something should be an evolution of another Form, I'll let you know.

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All the caverns are fifty feet from the floor of the arena to the ceiling, but going higher than thirty results in penalties.

The rings around the arenas, which I'm calling Observation Decks, are ten feet higher than the arena floor.

Chasms are forty feet deep, but falling more than ten below the arena floor results in forfeiture, as does any burrowing below this distance.

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All the caverns are fifty feet from the floor of the arena to the ceiling, but going higher than thirty results in penalties.

The rings around the arenas, which I'm calling Observation Decks, are ten feet higher than the arena floor.

Chasms are forty feet deep, but falling more than ten below the arena floor results in forfeiture, as does any burrowing below this distance.

What sort of penalties, and do they apply if an opponent is forced above that mark?

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Raw pain is inflicted on anyone who goes above the thirty foot mark. This is to force them back into the fight - those running the show don't like it when people stall too much. Yes, it is inflicted if anyone is forced up to that height.

All this does it make it a little harder to hold onto a Form.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Character App

Contact: [email protected](I should be able to get back to people within a couple of days)

Character Name: Tulir

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Hometown: Havercom-Used to be located on the Vast Plain

Marital Status: Single

Appearance: Tulir is about 5’10” and of average muscle build. His eyes are completely black, giving him the appearance of having pits instead of eyes. His hair is a long, midnight black, the same color as his eyes, and is cut so it doesn’t get in the way of his eyes. His skin is patterned with geometric designs that slowly change and move around. He wears his morphing grid on his chest with a special shirt.

Personality: Tulir is a quiet, calm person. When he speaks, it is only after thinking of the consequences and pondering on the best way to solve the problem. He is slow to anger, but when angered he is a fierce foe. He keeps an abiding hatred of the monsters that isn’t shown on the outside, simply because of the fact that they disrupt life and make villages have to live in constant fear.

History: Tulir grew up in a wild village that a new generation was born every 15 years. The single Spheremount that the village had was passed onto a new holder every 15 years, with the previous holder training the new holder. In order to determine whoever gets the Spheremount is smart, strong and cunning, when it is ready to be pased on, Havercom holds a group of challenges to determine who gets to hold the Spheremount. The challenges every year are a race around the village, various puzzle courses, and strength tests. Whoever did the best overall was given the Spheremount and immediately started training with the previous holder. Tulir won, but them when the next competition came around, he fled because he wanted to keep the Spheremount. Ever sense then, he has wandered everywhere he could.

Initial Grid:Star Power

Forms: Drow, Genasi, Earthbender, Infiltrator

Roleplay Sample: "No!" cried Tulir when he heard that he would have to give up his Spheremount and teach the next holder. "I will not give it up!"

"Sorry, but this is tradition," Sarnae said apologetically. "You have to give it up."

I'm leaving now so I can keep it, thought Tulir as he stalked out of the room. He left the village when no one was watching, and climbed to a nearby hill that oversaw the village. When he reached the top, Tulir turned around to look at the village. What he saw disturbed him. Mechanical creatures were attacking the village. Tulir was too far to help, so he sat down to watch the fight.

It was a harsh battle. The villagers barely fought off the aggressors. When the battle ended, Tulir turned around and walked away. They didn't let me keep the Spheremount, he thought, So why should I help them rebuild?

Form Name: Drow

Form Source: D&D Forgotten Realms

Form Description:Drow have pure black skin with long white hair, carry 2 scimitars and crossbow with 20 bolts, black, formfitting clothing

Form Abilities:Darkvision, can summon a globe of darkness with a radius of 3 feet, and nothing can pierce, can summon purple flames that surround a target, making it easier to hit, levitation up to a height of 5 feet, heightened speed and agility than normal people, better sword wielders than most.

Form Weaknesses:Very cocky and believe nothing can defeat them, can be blinded if they are exposed to bright light when they have darkvision on.

Form Speciation: First form, Drow Blademaster is the second form

Form Name:Genasi Lightning touched (can also have forms like water, fire, ice, earth and pretty much any element)

Form Source: D&D Forgotten Realms

Form Description:Has translucent green crystal hair(actual crystal) and has blue-green patterns on his skin, they wear loose clothing with blue-green colors.

Form Abilities:Can send a lightning bolt at a target about once every ten minutes, can draw electricity into his body to a certain degree. Also they can float to a certain degree.

Form Weaknesses:They can stop functioning if they are in extreme cold

Form Speciation: First Form

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  • 4 weeks later...

Many apologies for my absence. Everyone with an application in will be contacted via the means you provided. The rest of this post will be stuff that applies to everyone, or for people I don't have contact information for. Any questions or comments i have will be in this color

I have a few ideas about powers for a character but they might be under/overpowered.

A Devil Fruit power from One Piece:

A gif of the power being used

Power -

The user gains the ability to create a spherical territory of light blue aura. How large is this aura? In this territory, the user is capable of separating and spatially displacing anything and everything inside. To what degree? I.E. can they only separate fairly logical pieces, like in the gif, or can they separate things at the atomic level? The user can also attach separated parts in any manner they see fit, such as sticking someone's head to a barrel. People separated by this ability aren't killed, and can still feel their separated parts, regardless of the distance they were separated from each other. The effect persists even after the sphere is disengaged. I can't allow this - it would break some fundamental rules of how Spheretech works. There are ways around this, but not through Formspheres. How, or even if, the separated parts can be reassembled is unclear. Again, this isn't tenable for the same reason. A way around all this, perhaps, is to modify how the Form works. I'll leave how up to you, since you're more familiar with the source material.

EDIT - the user is also able to stop projectiles that enter the territory - stopping a cannon ball and sending it back for example.

Weaknesses -

The weakness of the technique seems to be the concentration required to maintain it. The user is unable to move around while the technique is active without nullifying it.

EDIT - Forgot to add that the user is unable to go in water higher than knee-deep without becoming helpless.

For the amount of power the Form has, there aren't many weaknesses. Remember - what a magic can't do is often more interesting than what it can.

What sort of Evolution Path were you thinking for this? I suggest something based off Sailor, perhaps a 3rd or 4th Evolution.

Death Rex from the Chaosic Gate manga:


Power -

Death Rex is a dragon summoned with a card (which opens a portal on the user's body). It can permanently destroy anything it eats and can incorporate parts of the opponent into its body. Could we get a bit more specific with how large this is? How much does the dragon change with each bite? How long do said changes last?

Weaknesses -

Any damage taken by Death Rex is reflected directly onto the user- head wound = head wound, missing limb = missing limb, etc. The damage can be undone if Death Rex eats an opponent. Percentage-wise, roughly how much? One bite equals a half healed wound, something like that? A strong will is required to control Death Rex or it will turn on its user and devour them instead.

Again, it needs an Evolution Path. I'd base it off of Summoner, since this is clearly a stronger Form.

Lagann from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann -


Power -

Heavy Armor type of small mech, the user sits inside and is completely protected by it. Lagann has a large drill, allowing it to quickly tunnel through the earth and use drill-based attacks, or hide if necessary. It can fly and move around quickly on land as well. It's main point of strength is its ability to take over larger mechs by drilling into them and interfacing with their systems.

Weaknesses -

It's main limbs are too small to be much use directly in combat, it has no ranged weapons (tends to use self as more of a large projectile) and is powered by the user's "fighting spirit".

Lagann is strong in the world of Gurren Lagann - this is mitigated in Nexus by the relative lack of Mech-based opponents, otherwise I would have to veto this.

As with the previous two, Lagann needs an Evolution Path. Perhaps based on a generic 'Mech user' Form?

Also, thinking of naming my character Daedalus.

Seems like a solid name to me. Don't get lost in the labyrinth.

um...1 point components? I made some below. I left out the ratings, but I intend them all to be 1, these are subject to Cuaiir approval. (BTW all of these are inspired by and named after TV tropes)

Animal Eye Spy

Allows the bearer to see through the eyes of any nearby animal, the size and distance of the animal varies with the rating of the grid it is attached too. Ok.

Poke in the Third Eye

nullifies any form remote viewing spell or technology for a short (couple seconds) time. The component must recharge under the light of the moon* after each use. Uhh....

*provided there is a moon. There's not.

Uncanny Valley

This gives the a slight intuitive warning when there is Illusion or glamour magic or technology being used nearby. It does not provide any information beyond presence or lack thereof. Ok.

The Hyena

Emotional manipulation is harder to use on the user of this component, however the user finds that every thing is funny, and everything is worth a laugh, and likely will laugh. Ok.

Catch Phrase

This component attaches to a formsphere. When the spheremorph shifts to that form, he can utter a phrase, at least five words long, and receive a slight strength boost. This phrase must be the same every time and is chosen upon first being used. Changing the phrase locks out the component, until it is attached to a different formsphere. If we change this to attach to a Grid Slot, instead of a Formsphere, sure.

Heroic Sacrifice

When attached to a grid, the bearer names a person or location. Upon the bearer's death in baseline, the grid, components and formspheres attached to it immediately teleport to that person or location. This component, upon teleportation, disintegrates. This should probably be attached to the Spheremount, rather than the Grid. You know, so they can actually use the components. Otherwise sure.

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Sorry for not posting in a while as well. The dreaded school caught me.

Animal Eye Spy

Allows the bearer to see through the eyes of any nearby animal, the size and distance of the animal varies with the rating of the grid it is attached too. Ok.

Cool. one of my friends was hoping for this.

Poke in the Third Eye

nullifies any form remote viewing spell or technology for a short (couple seconds) time. The component must recharge under the light of the moon* after each use. Uhh....

*provided there is a moon. There's not.

ehh. It was just an idea. Free game for anyone who wants to change this.

Catch Phrase

This component attaches to a formsphere. When the spheremorph shifts to that form, he can utter a phrase, at least five words long, and receive a slight strength boost. This phrase must be the same every time and is chosen upon first being used. Changing the phrase locks out the component, until it is attached to a different formsphere. If we change this to attach to a Grid Slot, instead of a Formsphere, sure.<


Heroic Sacrifice

When attached to a grid, the bearer names a person or location. Upon the bearer's death in baseline, the grid, components and formspheres attached to it immediately teleport to that person or location. This component, upon teleportation, disintegrates. This should probably be attached to the Spheremount, rather than the Grid. You know, so they can actually use the components. Otherwise sure.

Derr. unsure.gif That's what I meant.

EDIT: Sorry for any weird formatting issues. I don't know what happened.

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Hey guys. How's it going? Are we going to call an official hiatus, or are things going to be back on track now?

This forum is actually pretty lively compared to Seeking the Eternal Conflux, that place is a graveyard.

I should be able to post Jacks activity sometime tomorrow today. After I do that I should be ready to start.

If you are free as well, maybe if we ask nicely, Cuaiir will give us a non-plot related story for us to mess around in until the other members aren't being assaulted by life.

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I'm a carpenter in the theatrical scene shop where I go to college. For a play that opens on the 23rd (Cloud 9), I've been designated Master Carpenter - which means I have to be there all the time, and all the tricky bits are things I have to do. The way the set has been designed for this show, about 90% of it is tricky bits, which means I have to put in a lot of time. Add in classes and some semblance of a social life... Yeah. Busy life is busy. I usually print out whatever gets posted on the Nexus board and work on it between classes.

For Top and Ambro, right now the NPC shopkeep is waiting on you guys to pay. That can progress whenever you want.

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I'm a carpenter in the theatrical scene shop where I go to college. For a play that opens on the 23rd (Cloud 9), I've been designated Master Carpenter - which means I have to be there all the time, and all the tricky bits are things I have to do. The way the set has been designed for this show, about 90% of it is tricky bits, which means I have to put in a lot of time. Add in classes and some semblance of a social life... Yeah. Busy life is busy. I usually print out whatever gets posted on the Nexus board and work on it between classes.

For Top and Ambro, right now the NPC shopkeep is waiting on you guys to pay. That can progress whenever you want.

That is really busy sounding. Don't get stressed. tongue.gif

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